I am a player who has spent a great deal of time in Faeria, close to 600 hours. I’ve played since closed beta and ranked God in the last few months and I have played enough to get the full collection of cards. As such I have noticed a few blindspots in the game’s design that I can feel can be easily improved, providing more incentives to:
-play more
-have more fun
-play more diverse things
-spend more time and money on the game
I. Daily missions
As it stands daily missions are, to be frank, pretty unimaginative and a waste of design space. They can be used for so much more and introduce positive change to the game.
-add gameplay:
Instead of the classic “play colour cards”, you can easily make the missions more specific - play flying creatures, taunts, jumps, last words, you name it. By encouraging players to experiment with decks you will not only help them discover the game and push them towards new decks, but add a little more diversity and fun factor to the meta which is always good.
-give jackpots
Right now the best you can get is “win 5 games” or whatever. It feels marginally OK. You can have huge mission jackpots that require players to invest time for huge rewards. For instance “For 24 hours Pandora gives double chests and gold”. “playing ranked gives tripple XP”. You get the idea.
Having a bigger mission pool is always fun. They can be as generic or specifc as you want. Why not “Play 20 Yaks”? Why not “Heal for 40”? Why not “Play 10 special lands in a game”?
II. Shop and Monetisation
As it stands, the shop is pretty terrible. I want to spend money to support Faeria and I can’t, because all the deals are terrible, except the starter pack for the gems. I want to be incentivised to buy, I want to feel good when buying an item. And you know what? The Fugoro pack is cool, but it’s not worth 20euros. There’s no way I’d spent 20 on this and feel good about my purchase.
-rotate discounts, not items.
Rotating items makes no sense, if I want to buy an item most of the times I can’t. You’re preventing me from giving you money! Literally! And when I do buy an item, it’s usually with gold because the gems are so overpriced. Give discounts, that way you create this sense of “I’m saving money by bying it now” which generally drives sales, and more importantly, makes players feel good about their purchase.
-change the gold to gems ratio.
This goes with the above point. Cosmetics can cost a lot of gold, that’s even good as it gives a potential gold sink nce you have all the cards, but gems need to feel like I’m saving time by investing money, not like I’m wasting them. The human mind is addicted to optimisation. As it stands, GOKI isn’t even better than just using the gems to buy whatever. Like, seriously? At least give me a hefty reward for waiting a month.
Okay this technically isn’t that simple, but really if you want to make expensive stuff you need to make them worth it. More special animations, effects, voice, whatever.
III. Staying in the client
This is an easy one really.
add spectate a God button.
Streamers are few enough and many other games have similar functionality. Let players be able to watch gods play at any time.
-add decks of the week rotation
Player’s don’t all read Faeria Friday, and even when they do it’s easy to lose track of the decks. Make it easy and accessible to see new and itneresting decks.
I believe that by pulling the right levers and incentivising players to play more, more diverse decks and to invest in the community, Faeria can keep growing and improving in a healthy meta.