Custom Card Thread

Really cool concepts here. Dunu if they are gonna be to powerful and versatile but then again shifting octopus exists so yea, really cool :slight_smile:

Not just Shifting Octopus, Ruunin’s Guidance and Emperor’s command as well.

Still I think versatile cards are more a Green-ish thing.

Yeah, that’s definately better for Deepwood Archer. How does it respond to Crackthorn?
Will it no longer be hit by individual buffs after it reaches its maximum stats?

I guess so. I had in mind that if you tried to buff it beyond 2/4 it would just void the buffs but for Crackthorn I think it would work like Hellfire (once a creature is dead it doesn’t target it anymore) but with buffs.

The card Egg of Wonders needs. (Can you figure it out?)

Eggs of Wonders indeed loves that thing. However, the rest of your deck probably does not…

A concept borrowed from other games where it is an ability called Ambush, but I just worded it out.

This concept is borrowed from Rise of Mythos, which also had a (pretty much unobtainable, even for whales) card named War Totem doing something similar. It’s still an interesting idea, so I add it here.

I didn’t knew about this topics so I just share my new batch of cards around Swallow and the 4 colors 3 Whishes scheme. :slight_smile:
Some of my other cards can be seen here: SamOvar's Custom cards - #2 by SamOvar

The genie is meant to support 3 wishes deck with a strong creature that can deal with Whale. Divine helps the genie not to be swallowed or frogified. On the other hand, mit cannot either be buffed like hell to increase indifinitly the value you can get from his combat ability.

This creature is designed as an alternative to Crystal Flower for yellow. It is kind of the same design of the whale with strong mobility and cannot harvest faeria (it can run but you cannot get more value out of it) but with the downside of dealing 2 damages to the owner as a tradeoff. The high attack means it can help go face or deal with an opponent harvester or structure.

The Spell Breaker name is a pure meme like is the Kodo Beast. The creature mechanics could be real though. The creature can be really strong as it is a strong tech card against heavy spell deck. The four lands though means it cannot be played early and at this point is just a good harvester card with a really slow bonus. This card is not meant to be top tier but is a following to 3 wishes scheme where you get value from opponents cards.

CCCC entry:

Throw: This creature can attack creatures up to two tiles away.

After talking on Luuu’s Twitch stream, we realized this becoming a buff carrier was a thing, and also that the card could snowball in ways completely unintended as well. So, today, I reworked Máni into this:

A lot less concise in the wording of course, since Haste is now conditional.

Edit: A card that gains something when buffed, but can’t be buffed directly?

Now that Flying Hoplite is some META card creating $*** XD. No srsly it could be really cool, if there where as many Randomised heals as there is randomised damage. I could see this feature in a crackthorn deck maybe?

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Hello everyone,
I am playing Faeria for almost one year now and all i can say is that it captured my attention and it still does from lots of aspects. I was just scrolling The Hub for the deck doctor and I stumbled upon a really great contest: Custom Card Creator Contest #3. CCCC#3 for short. I’ve noticed that this thread was opened and I’m not sure how to participate but reading the brief of the contest then using the Faeria Card Creator I’ve realized that I would need some feedback on some ideas of cards that I would love to see in a game as tactical as this one. These are some of the cards I’ve managed to create and being my first time, please be gentle. Here it goes.
1 First Card

  • this is a structure card with an activation that I wanted to see work when in need of a tactical approach against mobility decks. Please feedback per all.

2 Second Card

  • this is a structure that should work on a initiative but i’m not sure about it’s cost and land. Should need some feedback regarding it’s calibration.

3 Third Card

  • I never understood if Fugoro has a Hideout or a place where he locks his treasures after he steals them. Please feedback on this. Thank you!

4 Fourth Card

  • I never seen a card game based on tactical position of lands and land creating that would evolve more than this one.
    I made this card hoping it would get some attention when interacting more with lands and their impact on position over purpose. Hope this is okay and will get some constructive feedback if it’s not close to working.

5 Fifth Card

  • always wondered where Mantas came from or where they live. They might live in a castle or could roaming and flying around a structure.

6 Sixth Card

  • i read the rules on the CCCC#3 that the judge would like to see structures so this is why I focused more on them.
    I hope he likes this one because it could create interesting game play. This could be fun but I’m not sure it can be done. Please feedback.

7 Seventh Card

  • maybe this types of structures should be more about the yaks and the way they govern a neutral kingdom or a tavern. I don’t know. Please tell me if you find this usefull.

8 eighth card

  • maybe this one should be only for red land play…I don’t know yet.
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I was thinking of Emerald Salamander actually, as you can place that adjacent.

But yeah, if it gets multiple Crackthorn ticks you can just heal up your hero, which is hilarious.

There could also be a spell or creature that adds HP to multiple friendlies as well and have ways of ‘targeting’ Divine not too dissimilar to either Salamander or Crackthorn, or maybe even a board effect like akin to Firestorm/Groundshaker/Hellfire.

Srry, didn’t mean to post this and the delete post button isn’t working :blush:


9 Ninth Card

  • Once a taunt kept me from winning a game and remembered it util today when I hope this would change the chances.Thank you !

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Looks powerful if it can be put in a safe location.

Emperor’s Command and Flame Burst have a field day, though.


A reverse Grim Guard, with a powerful surprise when paired with Time of Legends (either because you already have drawn your Legendaries, or because there are none in your deck to begin with. It is probably even better against rush than the Grim Guard though!
Putting a card at the bottom of your deck also means you delay mill damage for a turn, for whatever that’s worth.

The reason I added a secondary effect alongside Taunt and Combat (unlike Grim Guard) in the first place is because I think orb heal is overall less valuable than the orb damage as there will be a lot of times the former doesn’t trigger, whereas the latter is pretty much always useful in whittling down opponents.

And yes, I’m aware that the artwork I found for the Rakoan doesn’t fit very well, it’s just that this artwork is of higher quality than most other things I found and I didn’t want to search for a hour. Sometimes I am just lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Aquablad talked about a card that can Silence things on his stream as a personal favourite. After that, I played Jaina in Heroes of the Storm. I think that spawned this idea:

The Jaina artwork is by Eyal Degabli.
Edit: Reworked the Kind Ice Mage into something more practical. Silencing things for one turn after you have to hit them with a Ranged attack is kinda meh. However, it still rewards positioning as it only hits adjacent creatures.

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I like Hidden Shortcut the most out of the bunch.
Wood Golem is also great. It looks very well balanced actually, being able to cheaply challenge a Skywhale which is a weakness, so that’s great. It also makes the Green matchup vs Crackthorn as well as Red a lot more ambiguous, so in that respect it may actually be a well-balanced card.

Wind Amplifier might be a little bit broken, but I like the idea. It’s not OP, but it’s way too good against some decks and useless against others.

Shedim Berserker amused me. However, it may be a tad too strong in Red rush, an archetype that does not need any buffs I feel.
Kobold Demolitionist feels too situational to be useful, but I like the idea behind it.
Same for Shifting Flow.

Overall, I like the suggestions.



Just discovered the card creator and felt like having a bit of fun. Admittedly all of these cards would do well with having their land requirements doubled, but meh.

I really like the Ancient archetype and it saddens me greatly that they don’t really use multi-coloured cards and that they rely less on high health creatures and more on just being big. This guy has the 5 health, comes with Taunt and makes health more important for your deck. I like this one alot.

…although 1F1L is way too low for that kind of utility.

Crackthorn dosen’t really have a “thing” yet, other than buffing of course. So I went full on in with the buffs for this guy. He makes Last Worders stronger and Combateers thougher. Yay.

GY sacrifice dosen’t rely a whole lot on Last Word effects, so this guy Last Words your Last Worders when he Last Words.

Flavour all over the place. Steals mana and generates value for days. Love this one almost as much as the Ancient Wanderer.

I don’t like, or play, rush decks. I think they are horrible and… urgh. So this is all I could think of for them.

I like drawing cards, you like drawing cards and we all want to be able to play Dreamkeeper.

Heh, I used the art that you used for the Scourgeflame Beast for one of my own CCs too, though I only posted a general design on the Discord. Not that I blame you, that demon is an amazing piece of art.

I like most of the designs, but I do feel they are a bit complicated. Let’s start with the bad.
Scourgeflame Beast is the worst of the bunch - why did you go for a rush card for RY? I’d go with something much more control-based, aiding the RY control archetype. Rush does not need any help right now.

Ancient Wanderer is a bit bland, being so similar to Gabrian Enchantress but adding Taunt. It’s overall a better card I think, especially in this archetype, but… it feels a bit mediocre.

But I like the others.
Withering Watcher is lovely in GY Sacrifice, but kinda expensive. Maybe with some kind of Voice of Hunger shenanigans? That being said, Voice of Hunger can kill this and a Bloomsprite at the same time. Would the Bloomsprite trigger twice?
I also really like the Horned Seer, though I do not know if handbuffing is a good idea. But due to its heavy restrictions it might work, but there are too few cards to properly synergize with it. Green doesn’t have many good Last Word or Combat creatures in the end, which is a bit troublesome for this card, and Red has very few Last Words too.

Stealer of Wishes is quite nice. Can be quite strong, but it can probably be dealt with. Might be deserving of a higher land cost, but I understand you wanted to keep the land cost the same for now.

Pandemonium Beast is hilariously awkward. I can see it being used for the memes but not really in any serious deck, but I like the bizarro combat effect that is really unique, even if it has the potential to be imbalanced as f*ck.

The feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks. I’ll respond to you on a card-by-card basis, for simplicity’s sake :smiley:

Ancient Wanderer: Yeah, I agree that the card is very, very simplistic, bland even, but the Ancient archetype is simple to begin with - lame defense of my guy, I know. There is one noteable difference between the Wanderer 1.0 and the Gabrian Enchantress though, as the Wanderer can target itself; allowing you the choice between either a 5/5 Taunt creature or a 1/5 Taunt creature + a boon/hex, depending on how you use it. Although that makes the Wanderer strictly better than the Enchantress in hindsight and makes it a bad design, damn…

Horned Seer: I personally wouldn’t underefstimate the current lineup of Green Last Word creatures. Oakling, Elder Hermit, Sagami Soulbound and Bloomsprite are all creatures with pretty neat effects (three of which are buff related) and the Seer could potentially allow for a Crackthorn deck that’s more synergy focused and less “just dump in all the good stuff and call it a day”. I agree that the design is currently rather “meh” (even if keyword synergy is cool :D), but that has everything to do with Crackthorn lacking an identity and me not wanting to just make a ramp card.

Withering Watcher: He’s overcosted because I’m honestly worried that he could spin out of control very, very quickly. Simply dumping all many of low cast Last Word’ers unto the field and then eating the Watcher with a Demon Wrangler could generate a ton of value - which GY isn’t meant to get a lot of to begin with. I might be suffering from the classic “value cards are scary”-syndrome that every single TCG-dev in history has been acused of, but it’s a crazy scary effect on an early game card. In turn he’s not massively understated, so that’s always something. ;D

And I don’t think the Sprite would trigger. I imaggine that the Last Word’ers would have to still be on the board, but I don’t really know the stacking rules that well.

Stealer of Wishes: Yeah, he could easily do with being a 2D2L’er. But the flavour is great effect is cool; aggressive but promotes control and tempo over rush - sweet!

Scourgeflame Beast: I agree that he’s easily the worst design of the bunch, and curiously overpowered to boot, and that I should’ve done something more control’y. Problem though is that… well, I don’t really play RY and despite the fact that you can build RY-control, I wouldn’t really call it an archetype yet. Although that only means that there’s a greater need for RY-control focused cards and now I feel silly.

Art is cool though. Agreed 100% on that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pandemonium Beast: Dreamkeeper is one of my favourite cards (he’s… so… CUTE!) and I really wanted to support him. Pandemonium Beast is potentially overpowered (or just hilariously meme-ish), yes. The very fact that he’s pretty much guaranteed to generate at least +2 in terms of card advantage should be a read flag. But… don’t let your memes be dreams… keeper. :stuck_out_tongue:

Updated versions of Ancient Wanderer and Scourgeflame Beast, who has been replaced entirely in my little custom project:

Now THAT is a boy you wouldn’t mind throwing a Gabrian Enchantment on. A potential 6/6 regenerating and taunting beatstick is sweet.

  • Kills enemy creatures? Check.
  • Kills own creatures to prevent abuse from aggro decks? Check.
  • Can’t attack Gods? Check.
  • Can’t gather Faeria to prevent abuse? Check.
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