Faeria Screenshot Thread

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I pulled off the Ulani’s Medallion with Skywhale combo :smile:

Double Gift of Rakoa on Whale OTK :open_mouth:

After many games, I finally got Rakoan Chieftain together with Reveller and Long-horned Yak in the right place. ^^


The first picture looks like any other whale deck :smiley: Always 6 whales because of Creation :blush:

haha, not 6 whales! monkaS

I am a bit slow so I have only just realized this: you can use path of paradise to buff attack to multiple creatures on the same tile in the same turn, if they can move off the tile (or removed/died) of course. +6 attack and special land for only 2 faeria. :smiley: This screenshot is not the turn Path of Paradise was used, the central follower was buffed by a buffed long-horned yak.

It’s great to have 3 creatures in hand and summon them all in one turn.

The first tri-colour rush! They never saw it coming opening with forest and mountain. :smile:




This is a story about a Storyteller who never got to tell his story. Because he killed everyone! Both players dead at the same time to my Fatigue deck :smiley:


Salamander value :smile: Really enjoyed playing with it but most of the time crackthorn is just better. Always being able to feed Salamander immediately is nice though.

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OMG, Dream Keeper with Skycaptain is so much fun :laughing:

Can’t show stats of all creatures in hand unfortunately, swordfish was 8/11 and salmon was 7/7, it killed garudan alone and didn’t die XD

Got extremely lucky with draw and opponent though, had 2 Skycaptains in starting hand and opponent played Bargain which let me do what I want.

The idea was not mine, I heard about it on stream, it was Sfasano or Cappu I think?

Won a second game, amazing :smiley: after several losses, that first game was like a dream, it’s a lot harder normally.

How to improve on the list? Wind Soldier instead of Salmon? and probably not as many movement cards, since I am defending most of the time. Tried Failed Experiment with Dream Keepers and Ulani but I actually needed those bodies for defense. Had 9 events with 3x Failed for Sunsilk Faeries but hasn’t worked out well so far. Towship is a bit expensive but there are no solid fliers, may be Demon Wing for cheaper cost. Balloon Fish and Gnats are other ideas I had.

Krog is back! I got a 15/15 krog with jump and my opponent played a 20 cost radiance :laughing:
first time ever for me

Was it a mistake to kill Radiance here? Opponent conceded anyway.

6 battle toads 1 fugoro and 1 mirror phantasm turned into 8 phantasm, for once Ulani’s Medallion was the correct choice