Budget Crafting Guide

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I hope this video guide helps beginners learn how to craft and optimize their limited memoria to pursue their own personal play style.

Good guide! For beginners is dificult to know what to craft.
I definitely agree with cost/benefits and consistency of some cards. Legedarys are really good, but you should craft the core cards of the deck first.
I would like to add just a few things for beginners:

  1. Don’t bother with the completion of your collection, you will do that gradualy;
  2. Discover a deck/color/style/strategy you like and search for the core cards;
  3. Don’t be afraid of crafting some comum or rare cards. For example: Flame Burst, Seifer’s Wrath, Grim Guard are core cards of any burn deck and they are rare;
  4. Craft a legendary card when you’re confortable with your deck and want to make him a little more competitive.

Faeria is divided in four important aspects: Cards, Lands, Moviment and Power Wheel.
Each aspect is equally important to win a game.

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Excellent and concise points! You are absolutely right about those specific red rare cards, too. Thanks for commenting :smiley: