Since i think this board needs more Challenges I’ve decided to make a very simple one myself.
The challenge is very simple. Just go into practice mode with a deck that has Possessed Ursus and buff its attack as high as you can.
Screen cap your results and post them below. The guy with the highest attack Ursus wins.
1st. Very nice. The highest I’ve ever gotten was around 10mil.
2nd. Good idea calling it a challenge. (I’ve renamed the thread from [Game] to [Challenge])
edit: Go for it. Try it with a friend and post your results, I’d love to see how big it can get. But it won’t be qualified in the challenge (even though there isn’t any prize :P)
Neat, that basically proves it: It’s being held in 32bits. So the theorectial maximum is 2,147,483,648 (which is 2^31), after which it starts counting up from -2,147,483,648.
… it might actually be a max of 2,147,483,647 I forget the exact details of how it aligns them.