Royal Edict: -3 Gaurd, -3 Water Elemental, -3 Air Elemental, -3 Choke, -1 Time of Legends, +3 Destructive Volley, +3 Soul Pact, +3 Frogify, +3 Lore Theif, +1 Magda. Changed the name from “Order 66”. Elementals were really holding the deck back by filling up a lot of slots and as the deck really does not need to rush land production they were not needed. Choke proved to situational so I swapped it with Frogify. The decks biggest issue was not finding what it needed so Lore Theif adds some much needed digging power, while Magda is a perfect win con for a slow control deck like this. Between Drain/Command Guard was really not needed and Volley feels to important for the meta.
After Royal Edicts major overhaul it has performed exceptionally well, it has been moved to god rank.
Royal Edict: -3 Lore Theif, -1 Magda. +3 Water Elemental, +1 Whale. With frogify raising the land tax l ended up needing that land production. While I miss Lore Theif/Magda I think these will serve it better.
Changed Royal Edicts Name to Aeromancy: With Magda out its lost some of its royal factor, plus the name makes it a better thematic successor to Aquamancy.
Aquamancy: -3 Sturdy Shell, -3 Gabarian Enchantment. +3 Lore Theif, +3 Destructive Volley. This is a change that saddens my as the Enchant/Shell package was one of my favorite new player combos and shell is still an unrivaled mana harvestor. But the need to dig for Disciples and deal with the Flying enemies in the meta was to great.
Goodstuff BG: -3 Gabrian Enchantment, -3 Sturdy Shell, -3 Explorer, -1 Airship, -1 Eredon. +3 Imperial Guard, +3 Water Elemental, +3 Frog Tosser, +1 Fugoro, +1 Aurora. A pretty big overhaul that fixed most of the decks major issues, that will likely let me move it up to Highly Competitive.
Moved Armegeddon, and Kombat to “highly competitive” for now. While both quite solid lists that may still deserve their spot in God rank their win rate is just is not on par with the other powerhouses I have in “God Rank” right now, most of which got some major revisions. So until I get around to revising and or getting some through testing with them I am bumping them down for now.
Armegeddon: -1 Fire Elemental, +1 Magnus, King of Meroval. The deck was just begging for him as he is basically a batter Krog, and Elementals two health is a bit of a liability.
Volcanic Doom: -1 Krog, -1 Gift of Steel, -3 Dinner, +3 Ground Shaker, +1 Laya, +1 Baldurion Evil Archsmith. Changed the name from Kombat. As much as I loved Krog there were just better options. And with that revision the deck is ready to return to my god rank lists. With only two combat creatures in the deck three Gifts of Steel was a little clunky and Laya gives me a strong defensive play and a way to answer high health units.
Blood Ritual: -3 Air Elemental, -3 Earth Elemental, +3 Tiki Healer, +3 Alter of Souls. More healing was super important, and the elementals really were not needed. Alter gives us a solid back up to Gnat which keeps the deck from folding when it can’t find Gnat.
Leviathan/Whale in the Well/Big Blue/BG GoodStuff: -3 Triton Diver, +3 Destructive Volley. These all tend to have enough opening plays, and Volley feels to important for the meta. While I like Triton Diver I seem to have overvalued it and am now trading it out of most of my lists as two health units tend to be a liability.
Added my Couatl: Rainbow Junk deck to highly competitive.
Added my Beach Titans deck to God Rank.
Aeromancy: -1 Overmind, -3 Soul Pacts. +3 Windstorm Collosus, +1 Laya. Soul pacts could lead to dead hands to often and the mana really was not needed, Laya seemed to good to skip, and while Overmind is cool he is pretty awkward to actually use. Meanwhile Windstorms where a natural fit for the deck providing another much needed wincon.
Added my “Hate Hook” and “YR Combat” decks to competitive.
Added my “Lord of Pain” deck to gimmicks.
Added an OTK Yak variant to my Aurora Dream variants in gimmicks.
Moved Divine Bond to highly competitive, and added a Beast variant to it. While it does have more OTK/Two Turn Kill potential then you usual big green beast decks that can really catch folks off guard, if they are expecting it a combination of body blocking and a well placed removal can be crippling which sadly bumps it out of being the consistent power house I thought it was. It is still a very solid deck, but its basically an inferior version of your standard big green beast decks that put out almost as much stats without the need for combos.
Drop Bear: -3 Plague, +3 Huntdown. Plague was a bit awkward to use, and I can not believe I forgot huntdown.
Added Beat Master: Mono Green to my God Rank decks.
Divine Bond: Drastic playstyle change encouraging rushing one side rather then building path to face. And I also made a change to the beast variant: -3 Tiki Piper, -3 Stalker, +3 Orphan Fugu, +3 Tower. Fugu is just strong where as tiki lead to dead hands to often, leaning to hard on the combo was a big part of what was giving me trouble. Meanwhile as this is really not a control deck and it lacks hand buffs Stalker was not really needed while Tower gives some much needed utility and mobility.
Aquamancy: -3 Gabrian Warden, -1 Baeru, -1 Time of legends. +2 Reaver, +3 Water Elemental. Reaver was just to good to pass up and gives the deck a much needed alternate win condition. The other options are solid enough but they were mostly left over from my budget days before I owned Reavers.
Added my Fire Tornado, Robinhood, and Forrest World decks to Competitive.
Added my “Ice and Fire: RB control” to my God Rank decks.
Whale in the Well: -3 Wavecrash, -3 guard, +3 command, +3 windstorm. Command is to good to pass up and Windstorm with the decks spell focus is a lot easier to use then wavecrash. Also changing its name to “Wind Whale” due to it losing its well abuse focus now that wavecrash is gone.
Big Blue: -3 Wavecrash, -3 Gab Commander, -3 Ninja Toad, -1 Aurora Myth Maker. +3 Auroras Trick, +3 Humbling Vision, +3 Imperial Guard, +1 Laya. And moved the deck to highly competitive. While all the cards I cut where good cards I felt leveraging a control angle was better for a Reaver list which really just wants to stall until it can get its seven lands or cheat out Imperial Airship. The Trick/Humble/Command package is really nice together. Still testing to see if the deck is consistent enough for god ranking or not, as sometimes you can get clunky hands and or can not find the right answer for the right situation,
Armegedon: -3 Flame Burst, -2 Fire Elemental, +3 Firebomb, +2 Ritualist. The deck does not need direct damage, it tends to either be crushing the opponent with overwhelming force or not doing any damage, so bomb is the better removal option plus the deck likes having a slightly higher curve. Fire elementals two health was just to much of a liability Ritualist serves a similar purpose.
I also added a control variant to Armegedon.
Fire Tornado: -3 Windstorm, -3 Volley, -1 Time of Legends. +3 Bombd Slinger, +3 Ionas Smile, +1 Mobie SkyWhale: Smile makes the deck far more consistent, and with our four damage dealers from red Volley was unneeded, and with the extra tutor power from Smile I opted to skip Time in favor of Skywhale.
Added Yellow Flyers and moved Fire Tornado to Highly Competitive.
Added Experimental and Flood Dragon to my competitive decks.
Moved "Wind Whale ", “Leviathan”, and “Goodstuff BG” to competitive. They have been neglected for some time now, while I have been pumping out much more refined lists that outclass them. So until I have time to revisit them it was time to take them out of the highly competitive section.
Added Savior Faie to Gimmick Decks.
Added Ignus Burn to competitive.
Tentative Reminders to my self to test/do:
Beach Titans: -3 Gabrian Commander, +3 GlideHopper. Between Commanders nerf and the appeal of the shiny new toy it seems right.
Ice and Fire: -1 Frogify, -3 Ritualist, +1 Sorocco, First Mate, +3 Underground Brigand. Big Shiny new toy, wanted to make room, While Ritualist was a neat card it was leading to really clunky hands, meanwhile Brigand makes affording all our costly big guys easier, plus cutting a frogify makes it more compatible with other decks regarding the twelve similar card tournament rule.
Added Wings of Death: to ?
Added a Treasure Map variant of Aeromancy.
Make a RB treasure deck.
Aquamancy: -1 Hold the Line, -1 Dream Reaver, -3 Lore Theif, -3 Triton Chef. +1 Compas, +1 Laya, +3 Starshell Keeper, +3 Message in a bottle. A pretty big overhaul thanks to the expansion. Treasure Maps just scream for being used in tandem with Disciple, and since they give us somewhat of an alternate win condition on their own we are not as reliant on Disciple/Reaver, which also let me cut down to 1 reaver in favor of the new compass. So while I will miss the mobility from chef, I greatly welcome our new Bottle/Starshell draw engine. Laya was long overdue to make room for as its just to good a card to skip.
With the massive overhaul to the core list, I am going to go ahead and include the “budget” version of the deck with just the base game, as I wanted to keep it around due to being my first deck and the new one having deviated a bit much at this point. Budget Treasure
Harvest: Soul Eater Control: Added a treasure map Variant:
Added a basic midrange variant:
Wind Whale: -1 time of legends, -3 TowShip. +3 Ioanas Smile, +1 Laya. Makes the deck far more consistent, and as usual cramming Laya anywhere you can feels pretty good.
BG Goodstuff/LandShark: Massive overhaul, merged the decks with a Whale version and a Thyranian Expedition version. Expedition Goodstuff
+1 Aurora, -1 Laya. Whale Creation
+3 Swarm, +3 Bio, +3 Expedition. -3 Volley, -3 Octopus, -3 Frogify.
With Expedition heavily nerfed the goodstuff version has lost a ton of its bite, and its no longer worth it at all for the whale version:
+3 Frogify, -3 Expedition.
Auroras Dream OTK Yak:
-3 Yak Attack, -3 Auroras Creation, -1 Plague Bearer, +3 Rain of Fish, +3 Dream Keeper, +1 Fugoro. Not having enough land to play enough creatures to win was an issue, so opting for Rain/Fugoros amulet solves that issue, and Keeper gives us a stall/consistency bump which is rather important due to the deck needing to find Fugoro to function.
Added RB Bargain Spice:
Added a Structure Discover Ramp Deck:
Added a more control oriented Yellow Flyer variant:
Added RG goodstuff:
Added RBY OTK Disciple:
Added Mecha Variants:
Mono Red
YR Fly
My Current Fav package: Krog Control, Treasure Aeromancy, BG Goodstuff, Bargain Spice.