I just opened an Aurora’s Dream and I want to put it in a deck! What are some good decks I can use it in? I am a f2p player so please keep that in mind.
guess you have to use it the same way the 3rd blue tutorial AI did.
3 windfall to reach the mana requiered
spellwhirl n lore thief for the draw
i would think bout windstorm coloss, cause even if you dont draw him in these 9 cards, you play so many events that he ll be at 4 mana.
“day of the dragons” if you re lucky enough to get it.^^
any high cost card but with low land requierment.
tarum the forset world could be funny if you draw him n the combo n a kill effect early enough, play 3 oceans n 5 forests, combo, play tarum n kill him, 2 have forest everywhere xD
Try to add a lot of expensive cards and a few cheap harvesters to reach the Faeria-cost quickly! and hope for the best
Let us know how it goes!!
Well I opened an Aurora’s Creation, Apex predator, runnins shrine, and 2 primeval collosus. So, I decided to dust my legendaries and craft Apex combo! So far its very good for quests, but too scared to try it out on ladder and have all my (Aurora’s) dreams crushed
I call it: Aurora’s Apex
Feed the Forest x3
Spring Mochi x2
Water Elemental x1
Wood Elemental x2
Lore Thief x3
Ruunin’s Shrine x1
Apex Predator x3
Windfall x3
Stormspawn x2
Primeval Colossus x3
Living Willow x3
Aurora’s Dream x1
Aurora’s Creation x3