Faeria Mobile Early Access Patch Notes: May 12, 2017

Over 450,000 games on mobile have already been played, we are bringing bug fixes, improvements and tweaks to both iOS and Android versions of Faeria.

A little over a week after having introduced Faeria on Android mobile via Early Access and on iOS mobile via TestFlight, our team gathered over 600 pieces of feedback to help improve the Faeria experience on mobile. Today, we are pushing the first improvements, fixes and tweaks to Faeria on mobile.

Over 450,000 games have been playing on mobile since the launch of Faeria Early Access and TestFlight, if you haven’t tried Faeria on mobile yet, you can head over to this link for Faeria on Android or this link for Faeria on iOS.

The Early Access of Faeria on mobile will be playable until May 15th, 4pm CEST.

##Faeria mobile Patch Notes

  • Added a power saving option (disabled by default). Enabling it will limit frame rate and tune down the resolution by 30% which should lead to a noticeable drop in power consumption. This option is available on both “High” and “Low” quality settings, however if battery life is your main concern we recommend you select the “Low” setting.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when interacting with an input field
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the deck/hand size information from appearing when you hovered your or your opponent’s deck
  • Fixed lands not always playing their creation sound
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking the “End Turn” button on some Android devices
  • Fixed a bug causing an avatar that was purchased or awarded to be displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug causing smartphones with a 5:4 screen ratio to see a distorted UI
  • As with the PC UI, the “End Turn” button on smartphone UI will now pulse too when you have no other actions left
  • When targeting a token on the battlefield, its size will increase slightly instead of bouncing, to give improved visibility on the target that will be selected under your finger
  • You need to “Long press” a shorter time to trigger long press-enabled controls
  • Improved user experience for friends context menus
  • The screen won’t dim anymore while playing Faeria
  • Improved user experience for in-game logs
  • Various UI improvements for smartphone UI
  • Memory & performance improvements

  • The Faeria Team

Two issues that I was having that have been directly fixed. Feels good :smile:

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Shorter long press is great, thank you!
Could you let us know where you would like us to leave feedback for mobiles so it is easier for devs to read?

Sadly, the end turn bug is still present for me.

I personnaly play on a Samsung A3 2016 and i have a big problem with the faeria app.

Regulary, the game “kick” me out and i back to the main menu of my phone.
So i loose a turn, the time for me to relaunch the game …

Somebody have same issues ?

Ps : sry for my english.

I don’t know how this app was supposed to patch. I’ve just uninstalled and then installed it again (current build: 1.0.6334.19853). But I played four pandora games yesterday and it crashed in every single one, it’s alright I could return pretty quickly but:

  1. game was still crashing without returning an error;
  2. crashed after ending turn;
  3. screen was still dimming.

Still, I think it’s awesome we are getting this mobile client. I wish you best of luck with it! Keep up good work.

After installing the patch, getting hit with extremely long load times into game. Lost a Pandora and a few ranked games before I stopped trying. I can sometimes get into game, maybe 1 in every 4 times. But still prevents me from playing anything competitive due to the potential loss.

Side note, perhaps game mechanics should be changed so that you only get a loss (upon disconnecting or leaving) if you actually load the game and select your opening hand.

Playing on an LG G6