Faeria - Premium Edition DLC

Hey Abrakam!

I already send an email to your emails but nobody answer yet.

I bought the Faeria - Premium Edition DLC and nothing was added to my account. I read today in your site about old players getting this, but when I login I didnt realized this was the Premium Edition DLC. So I bought this, and because of that maybe I dont got anything after buy but I think you shoud block this option from steam shop for players who got this after login, so please tell me what you can do in this situation please.

And some of our emails are not working.

Thank you

Steam_: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313275593/

Hi Faeria-Team,

the same thing happened to me. I bought it yesterday (26.07.18) and the following was not credited:

  • 5 mytical chest
  • 4000 Gems

In Steam is a wrong support e-mail: support@faeria.com

Please fix both problems.



The support email is support@abrakam.com

Hello everybody,

the support has answered. The problem of my account will be processed in the coming days

Many thanks

I got no answer yet…