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此套牌理想化5回合 一拳殺BOSS
This Deck Best situation is five round to defeat boss.
防禦手段: Vine Wall,Defender of the homeland,Healing Song
主力攻擊為Possessed Ursus透過其他傷害牌來增加它攻擊力。
###Round 1 :build two Prairies.
###Round 2 :build two Prairies.
###Round 3 :build a Forest.
###Round 4 :build a Forest, summon Oaking , then summon Possessed Ursus on No3 forest.
###Round 5: increasee Possessed Ursus attack power with Falcon Dive or Famine 3 times, attack BOSS.
1.Oaking 亡語發動將手中的Possessed Ursus 變成5/5
2.Possessed Ursus放在3號森林的位置
3.在Possessed Ursus可攻擊的回合時施放Famine或是Falcon Dive三次 ,Possessed Ursus 此時攻擊力則會倍數成長