Monthly Cup Searchable Format

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If you would like to get some information on a particular Monthly Cup, you can start by going to, select the Cup you’d like to know more about, and voilá, you have the placement of all players. If you’d like a visual copy of the bracket, you could ask around and perhaps find the link to the most recent bracket and from there work out past bracket links.

But what if you notice that luuu90 got second place in both MC 15 and also 14? Suddenly you wonder how many second places luuu90 has? To answer this with the current tool you would need to go through each and every MC and note down in which ones luuu90 took second place. But after you’ve done this, you realize you would like to know what other kinds of places luuu90 has taken (which one did he win?). You repeat the process, this time searching each Cup for luuu90 and hoping you don’t miss him.

Behold, search no more. I present to you all 17 Monthly Cup placements in both text and image form. This way any player you wish to learn about, you may simply search for their name and jump quickly through the document. If you wish to know about any one Cup, they are all still kept together in such a way to easily see both text and bracket image.

It is the Monthly Cup in one document.


Hey, nice post, did you made statistique about each players on the MC? Number of participation, round win … I am interest in !

Just so you guys know, there will be a lot of this info coming out soon. I have tracked all of this behind the scenes (mainly for commentator use) but Atmaz is putting together a stats post and all my info be will available in super clean and consolidated formats for easy searching. Just have to stay tuned.

I did not put together stats for this. I started this document a few months ago when I was working on casting and could not easily gather stats on players using the hall of fame. Since I did not end up casting a lot I have not built a library of player information. Once I am in a better situation and pick it up again I will probably develop a library of my own and, if the time is right, share it.

That is good to hear. I don’t plan to go any further with this. It was originally for personal use (for commentating) as well as available to Turn^4 members but I thought since MC is over it would be appropriate to share before the next chapter.