I want to talk about a matter that is bothering me a lot in the game. As you could guess from the title it is movement. Both extra movement from card effects and bonus movement that some creatures have is super cost effective. Thus I think the cards should be way more expensive. To make my point clear i will bring some examples.
Example 1: Campfire vs Triton Banquet
This is a positive example. Both Triton Banquet and Campfire give +1/+1, but Triton Banquet also gives Jump for 2 more fearia. Here we have an example how high valued jump is. Ironically IN NEARLY ALL OTHER CASES movement comes for free.
Example 2: Triton Warrior vs Maceman
Triton Warrior and Maceman are both 4/4 creature with 4 cost. Triton Warrior requires 2 blue lands and can only be placed on a blue land but has the ability “jump”. While Maceman is rarely seen, the Triton Warrior is a staple creature in most mono blue decks. This is becuase jump is such a strong ability. Jump gives you a lot of opportunities to pressure the enemy as well as the possibility to double collect without having to build lands between your well and the opponents well, which saves you ressources from the power wheel and accelerates your game. Another great benefit of having jump is, that you can secure a value trade more likely. If you run into a player and finish your turn two tiles away from the enemy creature which is a creature with normal movement, then you can attack the enemy next turn but he cannot attack you. If two creatures with normal movement are two tiles away from each other nobody can attack the other creature, meaning that the one that moves up a tile has to risk that the enemy buffs his creature or weakens your creature and then engages your creature. Preemptively buffing a creature vs a blue player is usually a risky thing because of frogify, which can ruin the value trade even more. And one good value trade often decides the map control midgame. Compared to this the requirement to have two more blue lands than the maceman is nothing, especcially since as first player you cant even place the maceman on turn 1 and on turn 2 the triton warrior can already be played. Also most of the other blue creatures also need 2 or more blue lands, so that you have to build this land anyway.
Example 3: Windstorm charger
We have a creature with 2/4 for 3 fearia which already is a cost efficient creature. But this creature then gets 2 extra effects on top of that. The first on is an event-related buff and the second is extra movenet in form of charge 2. Charge 2 is weaker than jump, because you usually still need land to walk over and you have to move in a straight line. However, considering the board leaves only five tiles between your opponent and yourself and the maximun distance between 2 tiles is seven and charge 2 still allows you to double collect without building lands between the wells, it is still a stong ability. Like the Triton Warrior the Windstorm charger also only needs 2 lands which you have to build anyways and the combination of the movement with an attack buff allows really cost efficient value trades which you -again- can choose. While the charge ability itself in combination with the stat line is not that dangerous the combination of mobility with a high attack stat is super dangerous. However the 4 Hp stat line makes it nearly impossible to remove this card in a cost efficient way. Fireball does not kill, Choking Sands costs more. Forgify costs more AND leaves a frog. Last Nightmare costs a lot more. and placing a creature with taunt next to it, leaves you open to yellow removal as well as a trade with a buffed Charger.
Example 4: Flash Wind vs Desert Twister
Flash wind moves your creature, while desert twister teleports your creature. For desert twister you have to fulfill the requirement of having five lands as well as the restriction that you can only teleport on your deserts. Flash wind on the other hand considers the extra mobility of your creature and you can also move onto the enemie’s territory, while this card requires 3 lands less. Overall i consider Flash wind the more verstaile card with a smaller land restriction. Unlike 2 lands 5 lands at least is a real restriction. in combination with high mobility creatures this card allows you to cross most of the map in 1 turn for 0 cost.
Example 5: Horsmaster/Grovecaller
Both the Hosemaster and the Grovecaller are cards that give a huge boost to mevement for 1 turn, allowing- again- to make a good value trade which can snowball the game (especially when Seifir does the value trade). Giving an immobile crature witha huge statline Charge 3 or teleport it to a forest, enabling it to move over half the map, all while getting an extra collector (Horsemaster is from his statline alone 2-3 fearia worth wihile Grovecaller’s statline is worth 3 fearia and the Hosremaster), makes the game super snowbally, especially since there are few options to play around if the enemy has seifir+Horsemaster or verduan force+horsemaster/grovecaller, taking over the double collection spot. Mobility gets more valuable on creatures with higher stat lines and to give this movemant freely to such a creature for nearly no cost makes such a creature hyper cost efficient.
Summary: The combination of high mobility with huge statlines and/or huge buff potantial allows to take over the control of the map easily without having to spend much faeria. In case of improved movement creatures it even allows a double collect without having to use ressources to build land between the wells. This would only be okay, if decks containing such mobility would fall off late but that is not the case
What do you think about this matter? Do you agree or disagree with me (and in case of disagreement: Where do you think my thoughts are incorrect?)?