Hi guys, my name is lbrande. I consider myself a rather experienced Faeria player, I have reached god rank all seasons except season 2 and I have also played in the monhly cup four times. During the last couple of weeks I’ve heard a lot of opinions about the current meta, everything from rush being all to good to slam destroying the game. Now I will give you my view of the current meta.
This meta compared to former metas
I know many of you will completely disagree with me on this but I think the current meta is the best and most diverse meta Faeria has ever seen. This does not mean that I don’t think there are any problems in the current meta which I indeed do. If you belong to them who disagree the current meta is good I am now going to go through a few reasons to why I am thinking it is the best meta Faeria has ever seen. To do this I am going to compare the 8 decks which I think are currently top tier in a few different ways. The 8 decks that will be compared are Mono Green, Blue Reaver, Midrange Red, Yellow Rush, Yellow Events, Green Yellow Sac, Red Yellow Burn and Angry Red Yellow.
One important thing for a healthy meta is that all colors are regularly used. Of the 8 decks I am comparing this is how many which use the respective colors:
Yellow: 5
Red: 3
Green: 2
Blue: 1
What we see here is that all colors are used in at least one top-tier deck which is good. If you look back a few months this was not the case, back then green was barely used at all. Even though the current color representation is not even it is better than it’s been through most of Early Access.
Rush, Midrange and Control
One way to categorize decks is to look at whether they don’t care about the wells (rush), care about the wells on one side of the board (midrange) or care about the wells on both sides of the board (control). If you categorize the 8 decks according to this you get the result below:
Rush: 1 (Yellow Rush, sometimes Midrange Red)
Midrange: 5 (Mono Green, Midrange Red, Yellow Events, Red Yellow Burn, Angry Red Yellow)
Control: 2 (Blue Reaver, Green Yellow Sac, sometimes Red Yellow Burn)
This speaks completely against the fact that there are to many rush decks. But it is of course just statistics, not all of these decks are used as much and Yellow Rush is probably the most used one of them. This categorization says that most of the current top tier decks are midrange, while the minority is made up of the extremes, which is probably what you want in a healthy meta. Without midrange decks it would be very hard for control decks to exist at all, because they would not be able to withstand all the rushes they faced.
Aggro, Combo and Control
CCGs are essentially a more advanced version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The most common CCG replacement for Rock, Paper, Scissors is Aggro, Combo and Control. In this case Combo beats Aggro, Aggro beats Control and Control beats Combo. If categorize the 8 decks into one of these categories this is what you end up with:
Aggro: 3 (Mono Green, Midrange Red, Yellow Rush)
Combo: 3 (Green Yellow Sac, Red Yellow Burn, Angry Red Yellow)
Control: 2 (Blue Reaver, Yellow Events)
In this categorization the decks are spread as evenly as possible across the categories, which should make for a very even Rock, Paper, Scissors. This is not the whole story though, this meta actually has quite a few problems which I haven’t touched yet.
All my statistics point in the direction that current Faeria meta is almost as good as it gets, which is of course not the case, but why. I think that the reason this is the case is not because of the meta itself but because of the insane power level of a few individual cards. The reason this is bad for the game is because this results in many games being decided by who can draw most over powered cards, which does make for a very RNG based game. Below comes a list of the cards I think are problematic because of them being a bit to strong.
Sagami Huntmaster - This becomes espeially clear in Green vs. Green matchups which are often decided by who manages to first play a huntmaster to teleport a slam creature.
Feral Kodama - For a very long time I actually thought Kodama was fine, until I played against someone who actually knew how to use them. The thing with slam is that it’s not a very good Trait, until you use it to go offensive, in which case you often outright win the game because your opponent just can’t defend against it.
Forbidden Library - I think noone will disagree with this. In some mathups an early library essentially means you have won the game, because you will just get such a big advantage that your opponent will never catch up if they don’t kill it almost instantly.
Dream Reaver - This one is just obvious, no other card combo in Faeria can one-hit an opponent as easily as the Dream Reaver + Gabrian Enchantment combo, and also the stats are just to good for a non-green creature costing that little.
Annoying Gnat - This card is bad for Faeria in so many ways. These are my main reasons to why: 1. Faeria cards just shall not be this random. The difference between the gnat spawning where you want it to spawn and on the opposite side of the board is just huge. 2. The decks built around gnat are so heavily dependent on those that they are awesome when you draw it, and useless when you don’t.
Doomsday - Clearing the board this easily is just too good, especially in Yellow where you can easily get new faeria the same turn in which you play Doomsday. As Doomsday looks right now it has to cost more than it currently does to be reasonable.