No longer fragment of Pandore piece?

Je n’obtiens plus les fragments de pièce de Pandore comme récompense des entrainements.
(ceux qui permettaient d’avoir une pièce de Pandore pour 3 fragments).

Normal ?


(I used google translate)
I still get the reward coins - I got one yesterday, so that is not normal.

Thanks for your answer.
Seems strange it is at least three days that I don’t get them. Is there a way to see if they are “stocked” somewhere ?

I also don’t see how to contact support (did they answer on such a case ?)

You are winning 3 games, right?
Does it tell you to collect your reward? or does it just ask you to quit pandora?
Can you get screenshots showing what’s going wrong?

[quote=“Salimar86, post:3, topic:7446”]
Is there a way to see if they are “stocked” somewhere ?
[/quote]Pretty sure they won’t be kept hidden anywhere - it’s most likely a bug.

When I collect I just have (something like, don’t remember amount) 30g. I have won more than 3 without reward.
(préviously I got them, it seems that the problem appears when I submit to pre-sale for next extension).

Before this moment (if I well remember) I had
1 pandora piece
After I got 2 (instead 2+1 I already have)
I used one of these 2

I have no more and I can have no more “fragment”.

I don’t have error message or anything else, I will try to make a screenshot tomorrow when I get the rewards.

My question about “stock” (sorry for my bad english) was to know if there was a way to see if at a moment I have 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 fragments.


You are playing Practice Pandora, right? Single-player practice doesn’t reward coin fragments, but multiplayer practice still does.

If you have made sure you are in multiplayer and there are still no fragments for you, try logging out and back in. If this doesn’t help, submit a bug report

When you have 1/3 of a coin, your practice coin has 1/3 of a glowing border around it. That’s how you track your progress towards a full coin - when the entire border glows, you have it!

OK it seems that it is the explanation, in fact I play in single-practice mode.

But I thought previously it rewards me with fragments.

Thanks for your answer

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