October Monthly Cup Results

##Monthly Cup #5 Results

In a Team Equilibrium finals, Modgnik wins his first Monthly Cup for Finland! Having previously placed second in the third Monthly Cup, he’s proving to be a consistent top finisher in competitive Faeria.

HeavyCC continues to place high as well. His previous highest Monthly Cup placement was fourth place in the third Monthly Cup.

Bensynos, an Italian player relatively new to the scene, took third place - just edging out Kanthik.

###Bounties claimed:

Previous Monthly Cup winners have a $150 bounty put on their heads. Anyone able to defeat them in a match claims the prize.

This month, the following bounties were claimed:

  • Cappuccino’s Bounty - Kanthik
  • Imperia’s Bounty - Modgnik

Krog has placed new bounties on Modgnik and HeavyCC!

They’ll be automatically invited to the next Monthly Cup, taking place Saturday, December 10th.

Here’s a look at the full brackets and how they played out. If you missed the tournament entirely and want to see the matches, check out the following videos:

Skorch13 has also written a highly detailed recap of the entire tournament which you can find here.

##Next Monthly Cup

https://esports.faeria.com/ has been prepared for the next cup, and you can now Vote for your favorite player here!

Sign up for the next cup’s qualifiers here:

The Monthly Cup itself will take place after the next season reset on the first Monday of next month, placing it on Saturday, December 10th.

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Sick job by @skorch13 writing that down!
This type of recap deserves to be posted on Faeria Friday (not just a link)!

I am so happy for my good morning-mate Modgnik and also for HeavyCC!
Was really tense!

Thank you again for a great monthly cup, great job casters and organizers!