I saw someone playing an otk deck on ladder where they buffed up possessed ursus, gave it flying, and then moved it straight into the opponents face. This inspired me to make an otk deck.
Feed the Forest x3
Famine x2
Earthcraft x3
Gabrian Enchantment x3
Plague Bearer x2
Elderwood Embrace x2
Living Willow x3
Lore Thief x3
Wandering Monk x3
Frogify x2
Possessed Ursus x2
Cannon Carrier x2
You can win with either a wondering monk that is dropped early enough or with a Possessed Ursus. Place your winning creature of choice in front of your orb. If it is the monk, draw through your deck as fast as possible and give it ranged with cannon carrier. If it is the Ursus, us a gabrian enchantment on it and then famine + (famine, plague bearer, or elderwood embrace) followed by cannon carrier and hit face.
I have been having tons of fun with this deck, especially when my opponent has no idea what is coming. I am hoping to get some feedback/suggestions to help improve this deck.