Patch notes: July 19th, 2016


  • When the opponent mulligans some cards, they will no longer move from your hand to his.


  • When you are disconnected during a game, the client will now prompt you that there is an issue.
  • When your opponent gets disconnected, you will be notified that he has and a timer of 60 seconds will be displayed (the time he has to reconnect).

The above two changes are particularly important as you are now clearly shown when either you, or your opponent, has disconnected and that person needs to restart their client within 60 seconds to rejoin the current match.

To restart the client, simply open the control panel on the right hand side and click on ‘Sign Out’ (Not ‘Exit’). You will be taken back to the ‘Enter Game’ screen and can then attempt to rejoin the server and your match.

If the reason why you have been disconnected still exists then notify us either in the #support channel in Discord, or send an email to, and we’ll try to ascertain what may be causing the issue. Please ensure that you do checks at your side to verify if other applications are experiencing the same issue.


The Faeria Team

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