Play Faeria com question

I’ve found this website Play Faeria com (www dot playfaeria dot com). Do you happen to know it? Is it any good?

Is it still active? I’ve had a look at their forums and it seems the latest posts are like from 1-5 month(s) ago… so the place kinda looks dead to me… I’ve also registered there but haven’t got a confirmation email… so… was a supported fansite but after the introduction of “The Hub” The official support for PlayFaeria has been discontinued. They are looking for volonteers to keep the site running,

You can still see a lot of great Faeria content on their Youtube channel though!

Oh, ok. Thanks for the info. As I said above, I signed up on the website, but haven’t got the confirmation email for some time. So, I understand I shouldn’t expect one, should I?

Im not sure, have you checked your spamfolder in your email?

Yeah. Nothing.