I have recently got Seifer Blood Tyrant from a battle chest and decided to look for a nice deck that included him. I had no luck whatsoever… The search function on the Decks portion of the Hub only allows you to search by title or author, so unless the name of the card is in the title, or the deck has been made by a well-known player, you are out of luck. I tried searching by colour, but so many decks include red…
Long story short, after half an hour of scrolling down the list I made my own deck, and it works fine. What I feel is needed is the option to filter decks by individual cards. It would have been great if I could just type the name of a particular card into the search box and be presented only with the decks which include that card! So if somebody knows how to program, or has the ear of the development team, please help to implement that feature - I can’t be the only person who finds the Decks section time-consuming to use!
Thinking about it, poor search features are probably the cause of ever-changing “deck fashions”. It’s hard to find a good deck that hasn’t been mentioned in an article or video, unless it’s been made in the last 30 days or so. Searching by rating is also near-useless, because the majority of decks only have 1 like or no likes at all.
My apologies for the clickbait title.