Looks interesting! I have tried to make mill/fatigue work a lot Seems like this deck might struggle against burn since you dont have much heal, but maybe the storytellers and Wishes are enough! I will give it a try, I might tech in one radiance too just for that extra heal! I will let you know how it works out for me! Thanks for sharing!
I’ve personally had zero success with Mill decks - sometimes the deck wins, but it’s never actually by milling the opponent (which seems to be a victory that “just happens” to even-handed matchups, and is hard to shoot for from turn one).
I’ve also found Hunted Outlaw to be really bad (which originally surprised me) in slow decks like Three Wishes - giving your opponent an extra card and extra faeria to work with kind of defeats the purpose of trying to stall because it speeds up the pace of the game. Always seemed like a great “cheap card that can also mill” when I built my decks, but I always ended up having to remove it because it was doing more harm than good except in fast-paced, aggressive decks.
Have you played a lot of this deck in Ranked? If so, how has it worked for you? Which cards have you found give you the best win equity, and which ones are really situational?