DeathsAdvocate's Master Thread

Hi folks, Im DA or RE4P3R here since my usual pseudonym is to long for Faeria related things.

Detailed Intro

Ive been playing CCGs and Tactics games for many years. I have always had a passion for deck building and innovation and enjoy sharing my work. Partly cus I like helping people, and partly because I like the attention :P, but mainly because I just like having a spot I can have an organized reference for my self.

For those of you familiar with “Duelyst” I am a refugee from there. For anyone interested Here is my Master Thread for Duelyst:

I am pretty well known over there but we are going on a year without an update so its pretty rough. After a long search for a replacement game, I came here. Card games are everywhere, but successful, PC, pvp, tactical board games are pretty hard to come by.

I’ve largely stayed off the forums and discord until now as I really just wanted to discover the game on my own. But after hitting god rank on my ninth day playing: (Celebratory screenshot.)


Now that I have a good amount of time on the game under my belt, I am ready to share my stuff!

This thread is just going to be me sharing my ever growing collection of decks. I plan to update this frequently. so check back regularly :D. While I have a pretty firm grasp of things I am still learning. Constructive criticism is quite welcome.

I usualy stream a couple days a week:

My deck building principals so far:

I have always had a love for Control/Combo and I personally dislike Aggro, Burn, and swingy RNG so you wont see much representation for those even if they are top notch.

Another big thing is I usually like to build well rounded decks that have an answer for everything. While that often means sacrificing some raw power and it means you need to work harder for your wins, I tend to find that to be quite worth it as I would much rather have to work for my wins but have a very good chance against everything then just play the crapshoot match-up game of completely crushing a handful of archtypes but folding to others even if the meta says doing so may be a wise choice.

I really dislike losing to aggro/burn, and as I am rarely the aggressor, I almost always make sure to include a good six or so defensive heal/taunt cards to shut down rush decks. Contrary to some of the popular guides out there that suggest not putting a land in front of your shrine versus rush if you are running taunts that is often the best defensive option, but it is match up and deck dependent.

I have also found that I really like to have a player one, turn one play for early globe contesting. I feel like this is an undervalued approach as I see a lot of folks skimp on one/zero land three mana or less units. I tend to like to have at least three in my deck, preferably six for consistency if there is room. While I still like to do this when possible, I overvalued it due to my experience in other games. Faerias unique ability to save up mana between turns mixed with the often massive power spike between one and two land units has made me start favoring stronger turn two plays rather then turn one. That being said there are still a few turn one units that I really like but I rarely run more then a single playset anymore. Another thing to be wary of when choosing early game minions is two health units tend to be a liability as there is an excess of ways to kill them often costing you more faeria then the opponent.

To accomplish these goals there are a few cards I really like. I think Imperial guard is severely underrated as he ticks all of healing, taunt, and is a player one turn one play. If I have skipped him that generally means I have in faction taunts, and or I am running stuff like Imperial Command/Soul Drain and have other opening plays.

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God Rank Decks: Extensively tested, featuring excellent win rates and few weaknesses. These are my most successful lists that I use to climb the ladder. They also feature the most detailed write ups, often bordering on long winded.


Ice and Fire: RB Control


The Emperor’s Command x3

Destructive Volley x3

Water Elemental x3

Firebomb x3

Ignusi Ritualist x3

Frogify x3

Underground Boss x3

Bomb Slinger x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Icerock Behemoth x3

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

A very control focused list packing an excess of answers, closing the game out with its top end of Mobie, Icerock, and Garudan all of which double as control as well. The gameplan is simple but executing it takes a lot of practice as patience and positioning is key.

Due to the land demand of Whale, Icerock, and Fugoro we are featuring two land producers with Water Elemental and Ritualist, who is also just a good utility card if you have enough land. Between those two and Underground Boss you excel at contesting globes slowly gathering mana advantage while keeping your opponents field clear. Between Command and Icerock you are quite good at fending off aggressive lists. You usually want your starting hand to be land producers or Underground boss, and you do not want Icrocks or Mobie early on.

Land/Wheel Use: Typically you start with a colored land as appropriate to your hand in front of your shrine and then you build off of it in a V towards your globes. If possible you want to remain unpredictable about which direction your committing to and alternate the sides your building on. You generaly want to park an Elemental or Ritualist by a globe not likely to be contested for long term harvesting and then develop your other lane to connect up with your opponents land so you can start sending your Underground Bosses and Bomb slingers up towards their shrine to apply pressure and help you get aggressively placed land. You generally want your lakes defensive less important positions and your mountains placed aggressively to apply pressure with your red units. Once you get three of each of your land you usually hold off on making more unless you get the opportunity to get a land that can threaten your opponents shrine, because you only need eight total land to use whale but ideally you want to be generating the extra lands off of Elemental or Ritualist rather then spending your wheel on it in the midgame. Ideally you stop at eight land going for mana or draw as needed, but occasionally you may need an extra to finally threaten the shrine or for bomb slinger.

Beach Titans: YB Colossus Control


The Emperor’s Command x3

Soul Drain x3

Destructive Volley x3

Gabrian Commander x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Battle Toads x3

Aurora, Myth Maker x1

Oversky Towship x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Last Nightmare x3

Wavecrash Colossus x3

Windstorm Colossus x3

Waves, Wind, and Sand make for a good beach. This deck is all about its two beach dwelling titans: Wavecrash and WIndstorm Colossus. To facilitate Windstorm the majority of our deck is spells making getting him to five a mana a Breeze. For wavecrash we feature Towship, Gabrian Commander, and Jump on Battle Toads/Fugoro.

The main things to know are first of all you are a control deck. You want to be patient, conserve your resources, and strike when the time is right. Do not blow your removal on low priority or distant threats, although it is often useful to ping off early Well harvesters. You want to replace for opening plays early on and you do not want your Colossus in your starting hand, and you generally want to hold off on using your Colossus until they have reached their maximum cost reduction, they are also your win conditions so you tend to want to apply pressure with them rather then try and defend. Sometimes it is worth it to play them early but not often learning those exceptions will take practice, but the main thing is its really only worth it to stay alive or if your confident the unit wont get removed. Fugoro will usually go for his urn option, but in the right circumstance the other picks can be good as well.

Land/Wheel Use: You will almost always want to start with a lake in front of your shrine and then build in a V off of it. You usually want to send Towship towards the side your opponent is building from to contest wells and drag a desert to connect up to their land, and send Toads/Commander to the opposite side your opponent is building so they can harvest safely longterm. From there you focus on getting two of each land as needed so that you can place the third when it is needed. You generally want two defensive lakes, one Dessert within dash range of one spot from your opponents shrine, and an aggressive Lake. Once you have five lands you can usually go for draw/mana as needed until you need that final land. Six is all you need for your thresholds so its just at your judgement what you need after that.

The deck is packed with control tools letting you have an answer for everything while passively reducing your titans costs and applying pressure. Between Command, Soul Drain, and Laya you are prepared for aggressive/burn decks. Positioning is very key, its tricky to get the hang of it, but once you do its a pretty deadly deck with very few weaknesses other then bad hands.

For the Swarm Blue with YG splash for Swarming Carassius.


The Emperor’s Command x3

Soul Drain x3

Destructive Volley x3

Curious Biomancer x3

Lore Thief x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Water Elemental x3

Swarming Carassius x3

Aurora, Myth Maker x1

Emperor Kaios x1

Aurora’s Creation x3

Last Nightmare x3

This deck is all about Swarming Carassius. Because you only have a total of five non Blue creatures the combination of Biomancer and Lore Thief make the deck hyper consistent. Mix Swarm with Aurora’s Creation and you can finally get that “summon 20 Swarming Carassius in one turn” achievement. There is just not much your opponent can do to counter the monster that is Swarm once it gets rolling, and with this version being so consistent its an exceptionally brutal deck.

The biggest things to know is to usually avoid playing another Swarm until all of your previous Swarms have died, try to make sure your swarm is somewhere you can kill it off, in a pinch you can ping your own swarms off with soul/volley but only if you really need to, and if possible try to play your Swarm and creation at the same time. Aside from not getting your Swarm online early enough the main concern would be answer or die threats or aggression, but between Command, Soul Drain, lady, Volley, and Last Nightmare you can deal with these things pretty effectively. The fact that the deck can sometimes be slow and reactive is really its only downside.

Depending on the match up Creation can also be pretty nifty combined with Emperor Kaios or Laya who you can also pull very reliably thanks to Biomancer, although generally your Swarm is a higher priority. But your legends are a good backup. The rest of the deck is just some strong stand alone cards that fill useful niches.

Land/Wheel Use: You tend to just build defensive land focusing on safe well harvesting. Focus on getting two lakes and deserts adding the third of each as needed based on your hand. You only want to add your Forrest on the Swarm turn. You also want to have your desert and forest in different areas for more Swarm summon options. Once you have 3 lakes, 3 desserts, and 1 forest for all your thresholds you do not need any more land thanks to your Swarms ability to be summoned next to other creatures including its self, so go for mana and draw as needed.

Offering: YG, Sacrifice Soul Eater.


Doomgate, Door to Oblivion x1

Village Elder x3

Bone Collector x3

Demon Wrangler x3

Bloomsprite x3

Rakoan Shield Mates x3

Imperial Guard x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Shaytan Assassin x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Soul Eater x3

Soul Eater is probably my favorite card in the game, I just love everything about it. While I would love to take credit for the decks concept its not all that creative and I have seen lots of similar things running around. I tried a lot of versions of the deck but it took me awhile to find a few that I was happy with.

This version of the deck focuses on playing a lot of small creatures to serve as sacrifice fodder. The combination of Elder, Bloom, Shieldmates, and doomgate keep you from running out of steam while sacrificing your hand and field. The way the deck usually wins is getting nine or more units to die and then playing Soul Eater to two hit your opponent, but between bonecollector, doom gate, and Demon Wranglers you have plenty of fall backs.

You want to replace Soul Eaters early on and dig hard for a good opening play and or for Doomgate. While the deck lacks true hard removal the combination of Assasins and Laya means you can usually kill anything big that threatens you, while Stalkers pick off small nuisances. You tend to play very defensively just biding your time racking up Soul Eater and or Doom Gate value using your spawned Demon Wings and small swarm to trade efficiently, although you usually want to make your opponent do the trading unless your trying to buff up a Bone Collector. Between Imperial Guards, Laya, and playing very defensively with lots of body blocking you tend to do pretty well versus aggressive decks.

Land/Wheel Use: If you have a good opening play develop towards your Well, on the opposite side your opponent is developing if possible, to set up long long term Well harvesting, and proceed to build defensive lands from there. If you don’t have an opening play drop a colored land as appropriate to your hand in front of your globe and then develop off it towards your globes usually in a forward V shape to give you the most options, but keep in mind your main goal is just to stall so focus on playing lands that give you the best defensive options. You should rush towards at least five colored lands making sure to develop and spread out forests and deserts so you always have the right color for summoning where you need it. Your sixth colored land is not a big rush as you wont need it until your ready to drop soul eater so you can go for draw/mana for a bit at this point unless developing the land is more beneficial, but keep in mind you do want to develop your Sixth land in Soul Eaters charge range of the enemy shrine.

Its a very powerful deck that can roll over a lot decks nearly uncontested, although strong ranged units, excess removal, or backline value generators like Magda can be problem. Luckily though those don’t tend to be very common making the deck pretty well suited for the meta. But if the meta shifts towards its weaknesses it can struggle.

Aquamancy: Mono Blue, Disciple.


Spellwhirl x3

Hold the Line! x3

The Emperor’s Command x3

Triton Chef x3

Destructive Volley x3

Aurora’s Disciple x3

Lore Thief x3

Water Elemental x3

Frogify x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Dream Reaver x2

This one is going to be extra long winded as its a fairly complex deck and I have a soft spot for it.

My first Deck that I took to God rank in nine days, I had it almost fully put together by my second day in the game with only the premium base game purchased. At the time Destructive Volley, Fugoro, Water Elemental, and Reaver were substituted with Gabrian Warden, Sturdy Shell, and Gabarian enchantment which is a package I miss but the meta demanded the other options.

The deck has a very simple premise, abuse the heck out of Aurora’s Disciple by including as many cheap spells as is feasible, although executing the game plan is not so simple. The biggest thing to know about the deck is to hold off on using your spells as much as possible, including explore if your player two, until you can stick a Disciple. The other big key is to not play disciple until you can play at least one spell along side it or two if your up against red or yellow due to Choke/Flame Burst, and then hold off on casting more spells until the time is right. When is the right time? Well Ideally once you have more then one Disciple out, but usually just enough to keep your Disciple above the health threshold needed for good trades and to survive various ping damage.

Land/Wheel Use: Typically you start by building on the opposite side of wherever your opponent is developing so that you can park your Chef or Lore Thief by globes that are not likely to be contested. If you do not have a good opening play or you have elemental dropping a lake in front of your shrine and then building in a V off of it tends to be the way to go. From there work on connecting your lane to your opponent, if you connect quickly its often worth to set up backline globe harvesters, and keep making lakes until you get to six, then generally you stop with lands going for mana or draws as needed using your opponents lane to slowly advance your Disciple for the win. You generally want to build your seventh lake as close to your opponents shrine as possible and you generally wait to place it until you need it for Reaver or its as close your going to get it.

A few other tips and tricks: Hold the line should be reserved for post Disciple but if you lack any globe harvesters sometimes its worth it to pop it early or if you need to fend off an aggressive deck. Urn is the most common choice for Fugoro and again is generally saved for Disciple if you can, but Reavers can be a scary Amulet target, you only tend to go for Crystal Dragon if your out of Disciples/Reaver. Always replace hard looking for disciples and or a good early globe harvester. Versus decks that lack proper hard removal this deck will tend to roll over them uncontested and that was how I was able to climb so quickly with it, and even if your Disciples get picked off Reaver is great at closing out games.

Between Hold the Line, Reaver in a pinch, and Command you don’t tend to struggle versus aggressive and or burn decks. Usually I prefer proper Imperial Guard but with this decks spell focus, low curve, and that it already has plenty of opening plays Hold the Line Serves it better. The deck has a lot of control tools to deal with any answer or die decks and an excess of card advantage to dig for what you need.

Aeromancy: YB, Disciple Control.


The Emperor’s Command x3

Triton Chef x3

Soul Drain x3

Destructive Volley x3

Aurora’s Disciple x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Water Elemental x3

Frogify x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Last Nightmare x3

Windstorm Colossus x3

After the success of my Mono Blue Disciple list I tried branching out a bit, I like yellows flavor and I love control, so this deck was a natural successor to my first Mono Blue Disciple list.

The principal is pretty straightforward lots of spells plus Disciple is pretty deadly. This one favors lots of answers rather then tons of cheap spells. Should your Disciples get answered Windstorm Colossus is a great fall back plan and will likely cost five by the time you want to use it due to our excess of spells. While it takes a bit to get Mobie, Azure Skywhale online he is really good at finishing out a game, plus your disciples/windstorms have likely eaten up most hard removal by the time you can use him.

The biggest thing to know about the deck is to hold off on using your spells as much as possible, including explore if your player two, until you can stick a Disciple, and be patient with your windstorms to try and get the most reduction that is feasible. The other big key is to not play disciple until you can play at least one spell along side it or two if your up against red or yellow due to Choke/Flame Burst, and then hold off on casting more spells until the time is right. When is the right time? Well Ideally once you have more then one Disciple out, but usually just enough to keep your Disciple above the health threshold needed for good trades and to survive various ping damage.

Land/Wheel Use: Typically you start by building on the opposite side of wherever your opponent is developing so that you can park your Chef or Elemental by globes that are not likely to be contested. From there develop defensive lands trying to block off and connect your lands to your opponents lane so that you can slowly march a disciple up there. I tend to alternate between making blue or yellow as needed, you tend to want your lakes defensive and at least one dessert as close to charge range of your opponents shrine for windstorm as you can. Because Frogify has the highest threshold I tend to focus on blue while having one or two yellows out that way you can decide between more deserts or a fourth lake as needed. If possible you want your final lake placed aggressively and after you hit four lakes and three deserts you can usually start to go for mana and draw as needed, only placing your last land as needed for Whale.

Its a solid and fun control list. Between Command and Drain you can fend off aggressive decks. The decks greatest strength is having an answer for everything but unfortunately that is also its weakness as it is really reactive so when you cant find the right answer for the right situation and or your Disciples get answered early you can have a tough time. The deck can struggle with awkward hands and against midrange decks.

Beat Master: Mono Green


Ruunin’s Guidance x3

Destructive Volley x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Elderwood Embrace x3

Living Willow x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Ancient Beastmaster x3

Ancient Boar x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Thyrian Golem x3

Verduran Force x3

Dwordia, Chief of the Bright Fox Tribe x1

A very simple deck that makes Timmy happy. Its all about slamming down big giant green fatties. You already start with the largest Beat sticks around, and then we add Beastmaster and greens favorite buffs and they can overwhelm your opponent real quick. The only things you really need to know are to replace hard for Beastmaster/Eredon as the earlier you play them the better, and to usually avoid using your buffs until your ready to trade that way you can avoid over extending into removal.

The deck can stave off aggro/burn with Ruunin’s Guidance and Willow. It can pick off pesky backline threats with Stalker and Volley, Volley is also just great anti meta tech in general, it has a touch of mobility between Boar and Dwordia, and while it lacks hard removal its stuff is big enough to trade positively with most things.

Land/Wheel Usage: Generally you open with a Forrest in front of your base, and the develop off of it towards whichever side your opponent builds towards that way you can connect up with their land asap to start moving your fatties towards their base. Often you throw a double prairie in at some point to secure important locations but it does depend on your hand. You do want to work towards four forests pretty quick so that you can drop a fifth for Golem if need be. Once your at four its pretty dependent on the match whether you go for mana/draw and or secure your other globe with a harvestor, but generally you only start placing more forests if you need it for Golem or if you get the opportunity to drop one aggressively.

I think I have picked the best in slot options and a nice well rounded complementary set up. There are some other cool options like Oakling/Feed the Forrest but they tend to be super clunky and can lead to awkward hands. And while sure you could run tricky teleport options the deck really does not need anything fancy just keep playing big unit after big unit and advance slowly, packing less big fellows leaves us more vulnerable to removal. As it stands little bothers the deck other then Soul Eater lists due to our lack of true hard removal and their turtleing ability.

Volcanic Doom: Mono Red, Burn/Volcanic Colossus.


Seifer’s Wrath x3

Flame Spitter x3

Flame Burst x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Gift of Steel x2

Grim Guard x3

Shedim Brute x3

Baldurion, Evil Archsmith x1

Groundshaker x3

Havoc x3

Hellfire x3

Volcanic Colossus x2

Oh how I hate this deck on principal. I do not think burn has any place in a tactical board game, why do we have such an awesome board if were going to ignore it with direct damage? Why am I playing it then? Well I think Volcanic Colossus is really freaking cool, I wish his mana reduction was based on something other then direct damage, but eh hes such a cool unit I wanted to make a deck around him. And you cant argue with the effectiveness of burn.

The deck is pretty straightforward, play defensively, burn your opponent, save your Flame Bursts for a finisher only using them as removal in an emergency, and your opponents life will be gone before you know it with minimum effort. Where is Gary? Well the deck is already packed with AOE and it really wants to focus on burning rather then saving up a bunch of mana for him, but he is good enough that he is never a bad choice, I just think this style prefers to skip him.

The biggest things to know are avoiding using Gift of Steel unless you need it and your ready to trade with a unit and ideally for one of your combat units, saving your havocs for big immediate threats if they are not by your base save it, and playing very defensively while biding your time conserving your resources for the right moment. When is the right moment? Well that’s tough to explain it really just takes practice.

Land/Wheel Use: If you have a Flame Spitter I like to open with a defensive mountain ideally on the opposite side your opponent is developing to just stick your Spitter for long term harvesting. After that or if you lack a spitter I like to toss a mountain in front of my shrine for that long term Colossus play, and then develop off of it towards your globes getting to five mountains ASAP and then just stopping there going for mana or draw as needed. Considering all your direct damage or range you need not do anything but defend as you chip your opponent away and or set up Colossus. Although I will usually get aggressive with Shedim Brutes, groundshakers, and Smith sending them up land your opponent develops.

Its a really mean deck that wins with pretty low effort as your opponent is sort of damned if they do damned if they don’t. If they just remove your units then you have time to burn them, if they trade with your units they are getting burned, and because you don’t need to do anything but defend, not to mention Grim Guard, aggressive decks have a pretty hard time against you to.

The decks worst enemies are really high health units, excess healing, and bad RNG. Short of those it tends to be a pretty big bully. Its a strong deck although the current meta is not super kind to it.

Highly Competitive Decks: Powerful lists that tend to fall just short of God rating, well tested but not as thoroughly as God ranked lists, with more concise write ups.


Armegedon: Mono Red, Meteor Control and Krog Abuse.


Control Variant:

Imperial Guard x3

Krog’s Dinner x3

Firebomb x3

Ignusi Ritualist x3

Bomb Slinger x3

Havoc x3

Bold Bargainer x3

Ogre Battler x3

Magnus, King of Meroval x1

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Krog, the Ogre King x1

Meteor x3

Grappling Hook Variant:

Imperial Guard x3

Grappling Hook x3

Krog’s Dinner x3

Firebomb x3

Lavasurge Axolotl x3

Ignusi Ritualist x2

Bomb Slinger x3

Seifer, Blood Tyrant x1

Ogre Battler x3

Magnus, King of Meroval x1

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Krog, the Ogre King x1

Meteor x3

Apparently “Armegedon” is an achievement for killing five things with a single meteor. I was pleasantly surprised when it popped up and thus the deck earned its name.

Meteor, Krog, are definitely this decks super stars, although each version has a few other key cards. Generally you win by getting a massive tempo swing off of Meteor or Garudan, or getting a crazy amount of value off of Krog/Magnus and just overwhelming your opponent.

The first version is a very simple control deck that just enjoys abusing its ramp with high value cards.

The second version centers around Grappling Hook. Its very much a control/combo deck. Grappling hook is pretty brutal when combined Seifer, and can be a game ender when combined with Lavasurge who the deck frequently just plops in front of your shrine as a defensive measure and to make your opponent panic about whether you have the grappling hook in your hand or not. While you generally want to save grappling hook for Lava or Seifer it can be pretty clutch with any of your units should a good situation arise for it.

There are a few key points. The first is just generally playing conservatively saving mana and cards until the right time. You always want to replace Krog as you really want to draw him off of Dinner. When to play Dinner depends on the match up, if your up against red you tend to avoid playing it until you can play it and krog at the same time because if it gets flame bursted that can really hurt your gameplan, and be cautious versus yellow movement shenanigans, versus other colors its often a safe early globe harvester. You generally want to try and play your cheap things early and trim your hand down to big things to get maximum value off of Krogs ability.

Land/Wheel Use: I usually like to open with defensive mountains ideally on the opposite side your opponent is developing to just stick something for long term harvesting. If you need to defend your shrine with taunts or if your playing the grapple version after that I like to toss a mountain in front of my shrine for that long term Grapple or Taunt play, if not I tend to just develop my other side and slowly connect up with the opponents land, focusing on getting four mountains asap for Krog, then I like to slowly send a big unit up your opponents lane placing the fifth mountain as aggressively as you can and or when you need to use Meteor. Then you draw for key cards you need for the match up, and once you have what you want and an aggressive land I tend to focus on mana so you can somewhat control Krogs procs by lowering the amount of options.

The rest of the deck is just control tools and stall. Imperial Guard is great turn one play and globe harvester and between him and ogre your quite good at fending off aggressive decks.

Its a strong deck although the current meta is not super kind to it, as a well placed Frogify can cripple your Krog gameplan as dinner can’t bring him back if he is turned into a frog. Fogify, Choke, and Auroras tricks mere existence is currently what is keeping the deck out of God rank.

Big Blue: Control/Reaver.


Radiance, Imperial Airship x1

Baeru, the First Wave x1

Dream Reaver x2

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Aurora’s Trick x3

Frogify x3

Water Elemental x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Humbling Vision x3

Imperial Guard x3

Destructive Volley x3

The Emperor’s Command x3

Forbidden Library x3

A strong control list whose focus is to have an excess of answers in order to stall until you can get a Dream Reaver finish; with Baeru, Imperial Airship, and Fugoro as an alternate game-plan.

Humbling Vision, Emperors Command, and Aurora’s Trick are all decent cards on their own, but they compound together really well leading to easy kills and or the ability to take control over things normally far out of the range. While sure taking over something with reduced stats does not feel great, it can still often be back breaking as it will simultaneously let you deny mana, get mana your self, and let you place aggressive lands, while also giving you a body after investing several cards to deal with a unit.

Command/Guard/Airship, and even Dream Reaver in a pinch, go a long way towards fending off aggressive lists. Library’s self damage can keep Airship from being a dead card versus non aggressive lists

It may be a God Rank worth deck, but it is very reactive meaning you can have clunky hands with answers that are not quite suited to your match up, so I am still testing its consistency.

Fire Tornado: RY Control/Health Sacrifice


Soul Pact x3

The Emperor’s Command x3

Iona’s Smile x3

Soul Drain x3

Altar of Souls x3

Air Elemental x3

Firebomb x3

Bomb Slinger x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Last Nightmare x3

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Radiance, Imperial Airship x1

Alter of Souls can be a pretty cool win condition all on its own as long as you can mitigate the self harm. To do that we pack Soul Drain, Emperors Command, and Imperial Airship, all of which give us a good buffer against aggressive decks as well.

Between Soul Pact and Altar we can very reliably use Airship at a drastically reduced cost, and with Air Elemental, Mobie, and Gary being our only other flying minions, Ioan’s Smile makes pulling out our Key legends really easy and consistent while also padding our hand for Airship and thinning the deck.

The rest of the deck is packed with control tools letting us have an answer for everything while we slowly build into our scary lategame.

Divine Bond: GB, High Health Gabarian Abuse Variants.


Beast Variant

Gabrian Enchantment x3

Shamanic Dance x3

Sunken Tower x3

Destructive Volley x3

Hunt Down x3

Orphan Fugu x3

Gabrian Enchantress x3

Possessed Ursus x3

Shifting Octopus x3

Deepwood Grizzly x3

Control Variant

Gabrian Enchantment x3

Shamanic Dance x3

Destructive Volley x3

Tiki Piper x3

Living Willow x3

Shifting Octopus x3

Gabrian Enchantress x3

Frogify x3

Deepwood Grizzly x3

Frog-Tosser x3

The name is a throwback to a very similar Duelyst Archetype.

This decks focus is about combining Gabrian Enchantment/tress with really high health units. Its a pretty straightforward deck and can be quite oppressive pumping out absolutely massive mana efficient stats constantly and quickly, letting you play very proactively while also having good answers.

The first variant is mostly beasts combined with huntdown as an alternate to gabarian shenanigans, and beasts conveniently happened to be the highest health cheap units. Possessed Ursus can do some very crazy things when combined with Hunt Down, particularly if you have already used a gabrian buff on him, he can very easily lead to surprise OTKs that body blocking won’t save them from thanks to Hunt clearing the way. You can also get real cheeky and target him with your Volley, but generaly you should not do this unless its really necessary. Fugo and Tower give the deck some much needed mobility.

The second deck is a touch bizarre in that it is simultaneously a control, aggro, and combo deck. I am fond of the deck as its really well rounded and has an answer for most situations but unfortunately it is even more prone to bricking with bad hands.

Other then digging hard for your Gabrians there are a few keys to playing the deck. The first being usually avoiding using your Gabrians and health buffs until you are ready to trade, and generally only using enough to get the trade done unless your going for the shrine, this way you avoid overextending into hard removal. The exception to this is if you need to kill something your defending against and you know your unit is going to take damage and thus lose Gabrian value, and or your pretty confident your opponent cant use hard removal the next turn. While you usually want to be using Octopus, Grizzly, or Willow to do work and side-lining Tiki/Enchantress as Well harvesters both of them can also have high health and can get the job done in a pinch.

Generally your not worried about getting rushed down since ideally you want to be in a proactive position where your the aggressor, but when it comes down to it you have a lot of big provoke units with willow, Shamanic Dance, and Octopus. Speaking of Octopus you usually want to use him aggressively picking double health for that gabrian combo, but his modular options are quite useful depending on the situation. If hes safe and close to the shrine and you lack a gabrian sometimes going for double attack is great, or if you just want to threaten the shrine sooner health and jump is a good pick. Its a very flexible card that takes some getting used to but is pretty nifty.

Land/Wheel Use: The deck can either rush one side or build path to face, but unlike a normal rush deck you work your way over slowly with colored lands and not parries. I use to favor the path to face approach but it is a bit of a gamble, now I favor rushing one side, ideally using your opponents land against them. In general you start by placing a lake or two, and then you drop your forests aggressively as you have far more green units that you want to play forward. This gets your giant game ending stat sticks trading and applying pressure ASAP, once your lane is developed and you have aggressive land you will usually go for either draw or mana, you only really develop your other globe side if you need to defend it, but ideally you are applying enough pressure that you do not need to defend. If your playing the second variant you want to try and get three lakes ASAP that way you can place a forth for Frogify if need be, plus frogtosser means you need to make more land then the first variant, but still focus on placing forests as needed ideally aggressively.

Its a really solid and fun deck but its a bit prone to bad hands and or folding to a well placed removal.

Couatl: Rainbow Junk


Path to Paradise x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Water Elemental x3

Wood Elemental x3

Shifting Octopus x3

Crystal Flower x2

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Emerald Salamander x3

Crackthorn Beast x3

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

A three color deck with the focus on high stats and goodstuff picks. The combination of Crackthorn and Salamander can create massive swing turns, Gary speaks for him self. Our fight units are really strong on their own but get even meaner when mixed with Eredon or Path. Between Path and our two elementals we have no issue reaching the otherwise staggering nine colored lands for all the decks break points.

Since we are running three colors making a single desert is no problem in order to sport the super cool Crystal Flower. And thanks to our excess land production hitting the break point for Mobie, Azure Skywhale happens really quickly. Between those and our fight units we sport a ton of answers. Between Wood Elemental and Octopus we have enough taunts to stave off aggressive decks.

Its a solid deck that can completely roll over your opponents, but its a bit slow and can have trouble applying pressure, the rainbow of colors both gives it its strength but also the land tax can be pretty punishing at times.

"Harvest:" YG, Soul Eater Control.


Last Nightmare x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Soul Eater x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Wood Elemental x3

Air Elemental x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Wind Soldier x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Imperial Guard x3

Bone Collector x3

Village Elder x3

Soul Eater is probably my favorite card in the game, I just love everything about it. I have tried a lot of variants of the deck each with their own angle, while most have more raw power then this one they always seem to have a big weakness. This one had a simple solution to the struggle of how to cover your weaknesses and balance your tempo/hand when your a deck that wants to have a lot of your own creatures die. Instead of focusing on getting a lot of creatures to die just running a list featuring almost entirely cheap high value creatures is enough to get good Soul Eater Value if your patient.

Due to the deck taking awhile to ramp up Soul Eater value aiming for a control angle was key, which is also conveniently my preferred play-style, and covers most other potential weaknesses by having tons of answers. Soul Eater and Whale have a high land threshold so elementals were a natural choice. Whale, Nightmare, Stalker, Wind Soldier, and Laya give you tons of answers. Between Guard, Wood Elemental, and again Laya you are pretty good at fending off aggressive lists. Again due to the deck being a touch slow I wanted to try and be proactive so I avoided slow value generators like Spirit of Rebirth, and favored either immediate impact or things that would eat up hard removal to clear the way for Soul Eater.

Its a pretty strong deck, on paper it seems like it should compete with the best of them, but my winrate with it has not been as good as I would like, I suspect that’s because its greatest strength of “having no weakness” means its just a bit stretched thin making it hard to apply pressure and if you don’t find the right answer for the right situation you can have a tough time.

Yellow Flyers


Flash Wind x3

Soul Drain x3

Vile Bloatfly x3

Oradrim Fanatic x3

Windborne Emissary x3

Drakkar Skycaptain x3

Imperial Drakerider x3

Khalim, Sky Prodigy x1

Manta Rider x3

Windborne Champion x3

Last Nightmare x2

An extremely oppressive meta deck being able to largely ignore the board between flying, charge, and movement shenanigans. Sporting brutally cost efficient high stat minions, and still having room for some control.

It is likely a god ranked list but I have not tested it much, and I have no love for the deck. This was just a quick attempt at building the deck with the most frustrating cards, mostly so I could gain a better understanding of how to play against it.

Competitive Decks: Solid decks but they are not as well tested and or just do not feel as strong as my other lists. Minimal write ups.


Hook Hate: Mono Red high attack synergy.


Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Hate Seed x3

Baldurion, Evil Archsmith x1

Seifer, Blood Tyrant x1

Bomb Slinger x3

Kobold Smuggler x3

Lavasurge Axolotl x3

Firebringer x3

Fire Elemental x3

Grappling Hook x3

Flame Burst x3

Axe Grinder x3

A neat archetype that centers around Hate Seed and Firebringer. Hateseed can quickly become free while Firebringer can reach massive stats. Everything other then Seifer, Baldurion, Gary, and our couple spells contribute to this game plan.

Beyond mostly picking red staples the deck has some fun Grappling Hook synergy. Its a neat card that can be used to great effect with any of our units that can allow for many tricky or unexpected plays, but most importantly it gives our corrupt units great mobility, it can let Seifer trade without dying, and it can be a terrifying win-condition when you aim a lavasurge at their base.

Its a really solid deck but it takes awhile to ramp up the hate engine and it lacks defensive cards meaning their are a lot of things that give it trouble. Trying to find room for things that would cover its weak spots really hits the decks consistency/synergy hard so while it has a lot of power so far I have not found a way to cover its weaknesses enough for me to give it more then a competitive rating.

YR Combat


Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Scourgeflame Specter x3

Shedim Brute x3

Herald of War x3

Grim Guard x3

Gift of Steel x3

CAP-10, Sky Pirate x1

Air Elemental x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Flame Burst x3

Seifer’s Wrath x3

Khalim’s Training x3

Lots of Combat Synergy, and splashing yellow for K-Training and Scourgeflame who is the decks centerpiece. Its a pretty aggressive borderline burn deck.

It likely has the potential to be god rank or at least highly competitive but my dislike for aggro/burn means I have neither tested nor refined it thoroughly.

"Wind Whale " YB, Creation abuse control.


Time of Legends x1

The Emperor’s Command x3

Soul Drain x3

Destructive Volley x3

Air Elemental x3

Water Elemental x3

Oversky Towship x3

Aurora’s Creation x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Last Nightmare x3

Windstorm Colossus x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale is just such a cool card and I have really developed a fondness for it. So naturally I set out to try and find good uses for it.

A strong control oriented deck focusing on playing Multiple Whales with creation and or just getting really good creation value on Colossus or sometimes Fugoro/Township in a pinch. To facilitate Windstorm the majority of our deck is spells making getting him to five a mana a Breeze. Between Command and Drain you do pretty well versus aggressive decks.

Its a solid and fun control list, but unfortunately its often a little to reactive which means when you don’t have the right answer for the right occasion you can struggle to keep up with the raw power of more proper God Rank lists leaving it just short of a God ranking.

"Leviathan" RB, Creation Garudan/Whale.


Time of Legends x1

The Emperor’s Command x3

Destructive Volley x3

Imperial Guard x3

Flame Burst x3

Fire Elemental x3

Water Elemental x3

Frogify x3

Rakoakopter x3

Aurora’s Creation x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Mobie, Azure Skywhale is just such a cool card and I have really developed a fondness for it. So naturally I set out to try and find good uses for it.

This deck is all about using Aurora’s Creation to play multiples of either Garudan or Whale, your two big Leviathans, one tends to be better then the other depending on the match up but you don’t always get to choose which you get, but generally playing multiples of either can secure most games. I got to play Five Garudans in a single game once (Drew an extra off of time) was pretty epic.

Elemental’s tend to be solid cards in general, but more importantly hitting that 8 land threshold for Whale is no small task so they make this much more feasible. Beyond that we just have control tools and Guard/Command as our anti rush package.

Its a really solid and fun deck, but unfortunately some combination of not being able to find one of your Leviathans/Time soon enough, or sometimes your Leviathans are not quite enough of a win condition on their own, and or they are but you get the wrong one, leaves it a little short of a proper God Rank list.

Ignus Burn: Mono Red


Seifer’s Wrath x3

Flame Burst x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Firebomb x3

Grim Guard x3

Ignusi Ritualist x3

Bomb Slinger x3

Groundshaker x3

Wrath of Ignus x3

Hellfire x3

Ignus, the First Flame x1

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

While I have no love for burn, the Ignus package is pretty neat. Wrath of Ignus has the potential to be crazy powerful, but it sure is awkward to use. You want as much value as possible, and thus the deck packs Ritualist for even more wheel use. The deck pretty much never makes more then four lands and all defensive, sometimes five from explore as player two, that way you can pick mana from your wheel as much as possible. Generally you want to stall as long as possible with Wrath, but if its around the Hellfire value range and you get the opportunity to use it on an empty or nearly empty field its worthwhile. Otherwise I tend to wait until its either a for sure victory or I am about to die.

Beyond that we are just packing the rest of Reds favorite staples and burn tools. Its an ok deck, but the awkwardness of using Wrath mixed with its vulnerability vs high health units lands it only a competitive rating.

Goodstuff BG


The Emperor’s Command x3

Destructive Volley x3

Gabrian Commander x3

Water Elemental x3

Shifting Octopus x3

Aurora, Myth Maker x1

Frogify x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Gabrian Warden x3

Wavecrash Colossus x3

Baeru, the First Wave x1

Its a fairly straightforward list just capitalizing on the obvious reasons to splash green in a goodstuff blue list.

The deck has enough high cost units to fairly reliably proc Commanders effect, but more importantly Commander and Jump units are great at getting your opponents wells for Wavecrash value.

The deck has a healthy amount of answers, and between Command and Octopus’s provoke option you can fend off aggressive lists. It is a solid list that can trade with the best of them, but I think it just lacks the raw power needed for a God rank list, although not by much.

"Land Shark" BG, Creation Whale


Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Aurora’s Creation x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Frogify x3

Wood Elemental x3

Water Elemental x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Imperial Guard x3

Path to Paradise x3

The Emperor’s Command x3

Time of Legends x1

Mobie, Azure Skywhale is just such a cool card and I have really developed a fondess for it. So naturally I set out to try and find good uses for it.

Spamming Mobie with Creation is the decks main gameplan. It features excellent land production with Air/Earth elemental and Path to Paradise which is also really strong when mixed with fight units. Wood Elemental, and Guard go a long way towards fending off aggressive lists. And its packed with other control/stall tools.

Its a strong deck, but it struggles at actually closing the game out and has a bad time if your opponent is packing hard removal for Whales.

Experimental: BG Failed Experiment Good-stuff


Majinata, Spirit of Everlife x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Oakling x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Frogify x3

Shifting Octopus x3

Water Elemental x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Destructive Volley x3

The Emperor’s Command x3

Failed Experiment x3

Fight units and Majin, Spirit of Everlife have some really cool interactions with Failed Experiment due to both their effects taking precedent over Experiments effect, meaning Majin won’t die and will be swallowed properly, and while fight units might die they will still get their effect off often meaning they were going to die anyways. And then of course the Last Wish on Oakling or Eredon makes killing them off with experiment super cool.

Toss in a few staples, Command/Octopus taunt for anti aggro, and some anti meta tech and its a pretty solid deck. However it is prone to really clunky hands and bad RNG leaving it as only a competitive rating for now.

Robin Hood: BG Ranged.


Ruunin’s Guidance x3

Court Jester x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Tiki Totem x3

Hilltop Archer x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Yakkapult x3

Water Elemental x3

Wood Elemental x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

My best attempt at making ranged units good. Yakapult is solid but most tend to be fairly underwhelming, but not focusing on them to hard and only running the two along side a lot of buffs makes them pretty solid.

I favored buffs that effect things in our hand in order to get the most mileage out of our two fight units, Guidance being the exception because it also doubles as our main heal which alongside our taunt units gives us a good buffer against aggressive lists.

We go for double elementals so we have the land production to fuel whale, frog tosser, and yakapult. It is a solid enough deck but ranged is super awkward to use, I also tried rush units instead of range but they did not feel much better, leaving the deck with just a competitive rating.

Flood Dragon YB Tokens/Oseri Dream Dragon.


Demon Wrangler x3

Flight of the Mantas x3

Demon Wing x3

Lore Thief x3

Shaytan Assassin x2

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Water Elemental x3

Battle Toads x3

Aurora, Myth Maker x1

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Rain of Fish x3

Mirror Phantasm x3

Orosei, Dream of the Deep x1

Heavily Inspired by @SuperbLizard this is a neat deck that floods the field with bodies creating an overwhelming board presence and providing fodder to be abused with Orosei, Phantasm, Shaytan Assasin, and Demon Wrangler.

Its a pretty strong deck but between limited testing and how brutal Gary is on the deck it only gets a competitive rating for now.

Rainbow Stats:


Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Oasis Explorer x3

Rainforest Explorer x3

Savannah Explorer x3

Air Elemental x3

Water Elemental x3

Wood Elemental x3

Shifting Octopus x3

Crystal Flower x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

This deck is all about having the best possible mana cost to stat ratio of any deck featuring three explorers and Octopus, and since we are running three colors making a single red land for the awesome Crystal Flower is no trouble. Thanks to its excess land production meeting Skywhales threshold is no issue and its easy to get all the explorers online quickly.

The deck struggles against aggressive decks and has trouble actually closing the game out. With how popular aggressive decks are, raw cost to stat raitio does not seem to be worth more then a competitive rating.

Forrest World: Mono Green


Time of Legends x1

Feed the Forest x3

Ruunin’s Guidance x3

Destructive Volley x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Wood Elemental x3

Mobie, Azure Skywhale x1

Seed Sower x3

Blossoming Kodama x3

Oak Father x3

Tarum, the Forest World x1

Primeval Colossus x3

Just trying my hand to make a land production deck with a focus on Feed the Forrest combos. Its seems solid enough and I spent a decent amount of time refining it, but when it comes down to it the decks signature combo of Forest World/Feed the forest may just not be great, and while strong the deck is really slow.

Perhaps dropping Forrest World and Time of Legends in favor of Tree of Everlife and Laya could be all the deck needs, but I am reluctant to step away from the decks inspiration.

Gimmicks: Decks with a cool gimmick that when they work are really scary. Some of them still do ok when their gimmicks don’t work out, some are strong but bad for the meta, and some are mostly just for a good time rather then competitive value.


"Something Fishy" Mono B, Illusion of Grandeur


Mirror Phantasm x3

Illusion of Grandeur x3

Rain of Fish x2

Tale of the Old Turtle x3

Frogify x3

Aurora, Myth Maker x1

Dark Stalker x3

Shadowsilk Faerie x3

Imperial Guard x3

Bloated Toad x3

Ruby Fish x3

Illusion of Grandeur is a pretty neat card and it can get pretty massive if you build around it. Rain of Fish gives your Illusion a massive boost, of course Ruby Fish, Bloated Toad, and Dark Stalker are natural picks for Illusion synergy. Tale of the Old Turtle gives you excellent digging power and turns all our three drops into one drops for Illusion, and thanks to Shadowsilk Faerie we can dig for our key spells reliably. All our cheap units are great Phantasm/Aurora targets. Its a pretty fun and synergistic list, unfortunately building around Illusion requires you to run a lot of not so great cards which ultimately leaves the deck as a gimmick.

"Blood Ritual" YG, Life Sacrifice, Gnat/Altar.


Doomgate, Door to Oblivion x1

Village Elder x3

Demon Wrangler x3

Annoying Gnat x3

Altar of Souls x3

Healing Song x3

Shaytan Assassin x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Tiki Healer x3

Soul Eater x3

Last Nightmare x3

Radiance, Imperial Airship x1

Thematically and Aesthetically probably my favorite deck around. Sacrificing your life points and units to summon giant things like Radiance Imperial Ship, massive Soul Eaters, and occasionally even Ostregoth.

The deck is enabled by Annoying Gnat or Alter of souls which keeps you from going tempo negative with sacrifice effects and the self damage is mitigated with lots of healing and or turned into a boon with Radience. All while sporting excellent card advantage and control tools.

On paper its a terrifying deck, but in practice Gnat/Alter are a massive liability despite our excess healing causing you to often fold pretty hard to any aggressive deck which is a giant part of the meta.

While it can really roll over slower decks, the fact that the meta sort of hard counters the list unfortunately leaves it as a gimmick. It seems pretty popular on the ladder but I rarely lose to it, so I’m not sure if I am missing something about the deck or if its just popular because its freaking awesome.

"Drop Bear" Grapple Hook OTK Ursa


Falcon Dive x3

Famine x3

Ulani, Defender of Oversky x1

Village Elder x3

Ruunin’s Guidance x3

Queen’s Assassin x3

Storyteller x3

Grappling Hook x3

Hunt Down x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Possessed Ursus x3

Radiance, Scourge of Oversky x1

Wombo Combo time! Have you ever wanted to OTK your opponent? Heck why stop there ever wanted to do a ridiculous amount of overkill, I’m talking over 100 points of damage in a single attack? Well I have just the deck for you.

Possessed Ursus+Grappling Hook+some combination of Famine/Falcon/Guidance/Huntdown can easily lead to surprise kills out of no where, and even if your opponent tries to block the way the famine/hunt spam tends to clear the way.

Cram the rest of the deck full with control tools, healing, and draw power for consistency/surviveability and you have a pretty devastating deck when it works…unfortunately it does not work often.

Aurora’s Dream Variants. Reaver Mono Blue, and OTK Ruby Yak.



Time of Legends x1

Forbidden Library x3

Famine x3

Plague Bearer x1

Storyteller x3

Water Elemental x3

Gabrian Cistern x3

Ruby Yak x3

Aurora’s Creation x3

Yak Attack x3

Windfall x3

Aurora’s Dream x1

Midrange Reaver:

Aurora’s Dream x1

Windfall x3

Stormspawn x3

Wavecrash Colossus x3

Dream Reaver x3

Queen’s Guard x3

Frogify x3

Gabrian Cistern x3

Water Elemental x3

Storyteller x3

Forbidden Library x1

Time of Legends x1

The decks are packed with ramp, and between great digging power and that Aurora is our only legend, which makes Time a proper tutor, its pretty consistent, and even without Aurora you can still just play big stuff or combos.

The first version is a crazy combo revolving around playing multiple Rubs Yaks and or copying them with Auroras Creation, optionally playing Yak Attack, and following up with Famine/Plague to kill your opponent from full out of nowhere. You do not actually need Aurora to do the combo, and you technically have the option to just play a more normal Ruby yak abuse gameplan rather then one big combo turn, but it is usually more effective, and certainly more fun, to do it all at once and Dream/Draw gives you the digging power to pull it off. Its actually a pretty consistent and scary deck that can crush slow decks uncontested, but it has almost zero chance against an aggressive deck.

The second version was my best attempt to make Aurora’s Dream good. A pretty fun and Flashy deck, but never had much success with it. In theory between Storyteller, Queens Guard, and Dream Reaver your ok versus aggressive decks. While Aurora’s Dream is the goal, there is nothing wrong with just winning by spamming dream reaver and other big things, but generally you try to hold off until you either can go for aurora or it stops being practical due to pressure or because you cant find it.

Unfortunately trying to save up 24 mana and do anything meaningful in the mean time is just not a practical thing. Perhaps the only real effective way to play Aurora is with Magnus or Thulgar and Maybe Dream Keeper, but that’s hardly reliable. Maybe I am missing something but I just cant seem to crack the card.

Lord of Pain: Lord of Terror self harm/burn.


Lord of terror is such a neat card, I really wanted to try and make him good. So thus I made a deck that burns both your own life and your opponents to really get maximum value out of Lord and Radience imperial ship.

I’m not sure if I am missing something but the engine just feels super awkward and gimmicky. Plus self harm decks that are not aggro decks tend to fold to aggro decks, so the deck is little more then a gimmick.

Radiance, Imperial Airship x1

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

Scourgeflame Specter x3

Lord of Terror x3

Blood Song x3

Air Elemental x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Flame Burst x3

Altar of Souls x3

Soul Drain x3

Seifer’s Wrath x3

Soul Pact x3

Faerie Monk: RB draw synergy.


The Emperor’s Command x3

Flamesilk Faerie x3

Gemsilk Faerie x3

Destructive Volley x3

Flame Burst x3

Lore Thief x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Wandering Monk x3

Dream Keeper x3

Frogify x3

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Garudan, Heart of the Mountain x1

I really wanted to make Faeries and Wandering monk work. They are all neat cards and have synergy with draw power. So in went Dream Keeper for a way to super boost Monk and make Faeries consistent, lore thief accomplishes a similar task, and Fugoro is just a great card in general but extra good here since he “Draws” the urn event auto procing Faeries even if you do not draw an event off of urn.

The rest of the deck is just strong stand alone cards and control. Sadly despite my efforts it still seems to be little more then a gimmick.

Savior Faerie BG


The Emperor’s Command x3

Flowersilk Faerie x3

Gemsilk Faerie x3

Ruunin’s Guidance x3

Destructive Volley x3

Living Willow x3

Savior of the Meek x3

Laya, Lady of Sorrows x1

Battle Toads x3

Aurora, Myth Maker x1

Fugoro, Merchant of Wonders x1

Frog-Tosser x3

My best attempt at making Savior of the Meek work. It mixes well with Faeries and Willow. Beyond that just goodstuff/BG staples.

“Sadly this deck does not function:”


Banon, Captain of the Radiance x1

Frog-Tosser x3

Eredon, Voice of All x1

Llamacorn x3

Savior of the Meek x3

Deepwood Stalker x3

Storyteller x3

Shamanic Dance x3

Iona, Beloved by All x1

Village Elder x3

The Emperor’s Command x3

Campfire x3

Play Iona, buff her via either Campfire or Eredon, add Shamanic dance to the mix, and then hit her with Command, and finally top it all off with Savior of the Meek. And bam you now have an untargetable, unattackable, 3/7, provoke unit that you can park in front of your god and nothing short of meteror or direct burn can ever bother you again as its to big for any other AOE to kill.

Sounds awesome yea? I even pulled it off in a game! And I was devastated to find out that sadly if you give Iona Provoke she becomes attackable. Sadly this is “working as intended”, considering how hard this is to pull off Id say it would be fair. But eh I guess it would be pretty unfun to come up against, but man would it be glorious.

Since the core concept does not actually work I wont write a guide about how to play the deck as its a bit pointless.

Could I rework it into a more proper mill deck? Yea maybe, but I think slow grindy mill is pretty unfun and without the glorious combo my morale is broken and I may never revisit the archetype. Now if there was actually fast mill I may look into it. I love control decks and crazy combo decks…but a deck that does nothing but grind and stall is just not fun to play as or against.

i just watch your stream lately,purchasing the whole contents of this game yesterday,when i collect more cards iwll try your decks ,thanks for your train of thought

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Thanks for stopping by :smiley: !

Change Logs since posting thread:


Dec 2018 Changes:


Aquamancy: -3 Falcon, +3 Spellwhirls. It was an recent change taking out the whirls, and I regretted it. I wanted to move away from their RNG but they were to good to pass up.

Big Blue: -3 Gabrian Warden, -1 Laya, Lady of Sorrows, -3 Imperial Guard, +2 Forbidden Library, +1 Aurora, +1 Imperial Airship, +3 Imperial Command.

Divine Bond: +3 Destructive Volley, +3 Shifting Octopus, +1 Frogtosser. -3 Sturdy Shell, -3 Deepwood Stalker, -1 Eredon. A pretty big overhaul for the deck shifting its gear into an aggressive combo deck rather then a passive one. While it sucks to skip Stalker, Volley helps a lot against those vicious Yellow Flying decks and can ping things for us without needing forests, and now that the deck builds path to face it does not really need stalker or shell for globe harvesting. Octopus was just to good to leave out of the deck, and while Frogtosser takes awhile to come online it really helps close out games where as sturdy/eredon where just awkward and slow.

For the Swarm: +3 Destructive Volley, +3 Last Nightmare, -3 Frogify, -3 Sturdy Shell. Got sick of losing to Yellow Flyers. Getting to four lakes for frogify was just far to awkward and nightmare just feels better all around, and as much as I like Shell for harvesting it is a bit awkward with the decks lack of synergy with it.

Added my “Offering”, YG Sacrifice Soul eater deck to my God Ranked lists.

January 2019 Changes:


Royal Edict: -3 Gaurd, -3 Water Elemental, -3 Air Elemental, -3 Choke, -1 Time of Legends, +3 Destructive Volley, +3 Soul Pact, +3 Frogify, +3 Lore Theif, +1 Magda. Changed the name from “Order 66”. Elementals were really holding the deck back by filling up a lot of slots and as the deck really does not need to rush land production they were not needed. Choke proved to situational so I swapped it with Frogify. The decks biggest issue was not finding what it needed so Lore Theif adds some much needed digging power, while Magda is a perfect win con for a slow control deck like this. Between Drain/Command Guard was really not needed and Volley feels to important for the meta.

After Royal Edicts major overhaul it has performed exceptionally well, it has been moved to god rank.

Royal Edict: -3 Lore Theif, -1 Magda. +3 Water Elemental, +1 Whale. With frogify raising the land tax l ended up needing that land production. While I miss Lore Theif/Magda I think these will serve it better.

Changed Royal Edicts Name to Aeromancy: With Magda out its lost some of its royal factor, plus the name makes it a better thematic successor to Aquamancy.

Aquamancy: -3 Sturdy Shell, -3 Gabarian Enchantment. +3 Lore Theif, +3 Destructive Volley. This is a change that saddens my as the Enchant/Shell package was one of my favorite new player combos and shell is still an unrivaled mana harvestor. But the need to dig for Disciples and deal with the Flying enemies in the meta was to great.

Goodstuff BG: -3 Gabrian Enchantment, -3 Sturdy Shell, -3 Explorer, -1 Airship, -1 Eredon. +3 Imperial Guard, +3 Water Elemental, +3 Frog Tosser, +1 Fugoro, +1 Aurora. A pretty big overhaul that fixed most of the decks major issues, that will likely let me move it up to Highly Competitive.

Moved Armegeddon, and Kombat to “highly competitive” for now. While both quite solid lists that may still deserve their spot in God rank their win rate is just is not on par with the other powerhouses I have in “God Rank” right now, most of which got some major revisions. So until I get around to revising and or getting some through testing with them I am bumping them down for now.

Armegeddon: -1 Fire Elemental, +1 Magnus, King of Meroval. The deck was just begging for him as he is basically a batter Krog, and Elementals two health is a bit of a liability.

Volcanic Doom: -1 Krog, -1 Gift of Steel, -3 Dinner, +3 Ground Shaker, +1 Laya, +1 Baldurion Evil Archsmith. Changed the name from Kombat. As much as I loved Krog there were just better options. And with that revision the deck is ready to return to my god rank lists. With only two combat creatures in the deck three Gifts of Steel was a little clunky and Laya gives me a strong defensive play and a way to answer high health units.

Blood Ritual: -3 Air Elemental, -3 Earth Elemental, +3 Tiki Healer, +3 Alter of Souls. More healing was super important, and the elementals really were not needed. Alter gives us a solid back up to Gnat which keeps the deck from folding when it can’t find Gnat.

Leviathan/Whale in the Well/Big Blue/BG GoodStuff: -3 Triton Diver, +3 Destructive Volley. These all tend to have enough opening plays, and Volley feels to important for the meta. While I like Triton Diver I seem to have overvalued it and am now trading it out of most of my lists as two health units tend to be a liability.

Added my Couatl: Rainbow Junk deck to highly competitive.

Added my Beach Titans deck to God Rank.

Aeromancy: -1 Overmind, -3 Soul Pacts. +3 Windstorm Collosus, +1 Laya. Soul pacts could lead to dead hands to often and the mana really was not needed, Laya seemed to good to skip, and while Overmind is cool he is pretty awkward to actually use. Meanwhile Windstorms where a natural fit for the deck providing another much needed wincon.

Added my “Hate Hook” and “YR Combat” decks to competitive.

Added my “Lord of Pain” deck to gimmicks.

Added an OTK Yak variant to my Aurora Dream variants in gimmicks.

Moved Divine Bond to highly competitive, and added a Beast variant to it. While it does have more OTK/Two Turn Kill potential then you usual big green beast decks that can really catch folks off guard, if they are expecting it a combination of body blocking and a well placed removal can be crippling which sadly bumps it out of being the consistent power house I thought it was. It is still a very solid deck, but its basically an inferior version of your standard big green beast decks that put out almost as much stats without the need for combos.

Drop Bear: -3 Plague, +3 Huntdown. Plague was a bit awkward to use, and I can not believe I forgot huntdown.

Added Beat Master: Mono Green to my God Rank decks.

Divine Bond: Drastic playstyle change encouraging rushing one side rather then building path to face. And I also made a change to the beast variant: -3 Tiki Piper, -3 Stalker, +3 Orphan Fugu, +3 Tower. Fugu is just strong where as tiki lead to dead hands to often, leaning to hard on the combo was a big part of what was giving me trouble. Meanwhile as this is really not a control deck and it lacks hand buffs Stalker was not really needed while Tower gives some much needed utility and mobility.

Aquamancy: -3 Gabrian Warden, -1 Baeru, -1 Time of legends. +2 Reaver, +3 Water Elemental. Reaver was just to good to pass up and gives the deck a much needed alternate win condition. The other options are solid enough but they were mostly left over from my budget days before I owned Reavers.

Added my Fire Tornado, Robinhood, and Forrest World decks to Competitive.

Added my “Ice and Fire: RB control” to my God Rank decks.

Whale in the Well: -3 Wavecrash, -3 guard, +3 command, +3 windstorm. Command is to good to pass up and Windstorm with the decks spell focus is a lot easier to use then wavecrash. Also changing its name to “Wind Whale” due to it losing its well abuse focus now that wavecrash is gone.

Big Blue: -3 Wavecrash, -3 Gab Commander, -3 Ninja Toad, -1 Aurora Myth Maker. +3 Auroras Trick, +3 Humbling Vision, +3 Imperial Guard, +1 Laya. And moved the deck to highly competitive. While all the cards I cut where good cards I felt leveraging a control angle was better for a Reaver list which really just wants to stall until it can get its seven lands or cheat out Imperial Airship. The Trick/Humble/Command package is really nice together. Still testing to see if the deck is consistent enough for god ranking or not, as sometimes you can get clunky hands and or can not find the right answer for the right situation,

Armegedon: -3 Flame Burst, -2 Fire Elemental, +3 Firebomb, +2 Ritualist. The deck does not need direct damage, it tends to either be crushing the opponent with overwhelming force or not doing any damage, so bomb is the better removal option plus the deck likes having a slightly higher curve. Fire elementals two health was just to much of a liability Ritualist serves a similar purpose.

I also added a control variant to Armegedon.

Fire Tornado: -3 Windstorm, -3 Volley, -1 Time of Legends. +3 Bombd Slinger, +3 Ionas Smile, +1 Mobie SkyWhale: Smile makes the deck far more consistent, and with our four damage dealers from red Volley was unneeded, and with the extra tutor power from Smile I opted to skip Time in favor of Skywhale.

Added Yellow Flyers and moved Fire Tornado to Highly Competitive.

Added Experimental and Flood Dragon to my competitive decks.

Moved "Wind Whale ", “Leviathan”, and “Goodstuff BG” to competitive. They have been neglected for some time now, while I have been pumping out much more refined lists that outclass them. So until I have time to revisit them it was time to take them out of the highly competitive section.

April 2019


Added Savior Faie to Gimmick Decks.

Added Ignus Burn to competitive.

Tentative Reminders to my self to test/do:

Beach Titans: -3 Gabrian Commander, +3 GlideHopper. Between Commanders nerf and the appeal of the shiny new toy it seems right.

Ice and Fire: -1 Frogify, -3 Ritualist, +1 Sorocco, First Mate, +3 Underground Brigand. Big Shiny new toy, wanted to make room, While Ritualist was a neat card it was leading to really clunky hands, meanwhile Brigand makes affording all our costly big guys easier, plus cutting a frogify makes it more compatible with other decks regarding the twelve similar card tournament rule.

Added Wings of Death: to ?

Added a Treasure Map variant of Aeromancy.

Make a RB treasure deck.

Aquamancy: -1 Hold the Line, -1 Dream Reaver, -3 Lore Theif, -3 Triton Chef. +1 Compas, +1 Laya, +3 Starshell Keeper, +3 Message in a bottle. A pretty big overhaul thanks to the expansion. Treasure Maps just scream for being used in tandem with Disciple, and since they give us somewhat of an alternate win condition on their own we are not as reliant on Disciple/Reaver, which also let me cut down to 1 reaver in favor of the new compass. So while I will miss the mobility from chef, I greatly welcome our new Bottle/Starshell draw engine. Laya was long overdue to make room for as its just to good a card to skip.
With the massive overhaul to the core list, I am going to go ahead and include the “budget” version of the deck with just the base game, as I wanted to keep it around due to being my first deck and the new one having deviated a bit much at this point. Budget Treasure

Harvest: Soul Eater Control: Added a treasure map Variant:
Added a basic midrange variant:

Wind Whale: -1 time of legends, -3 TowShip. +3 Ioanas Smile, +1 Laya. Makes the deck far more consistent, and as usual cramming Laya anywhere you can feels pretty good.

BG Goodstuff/LandShark: Massive overhaul, merged the decks with a Whale version and a Thyranian Expedition version. Expedition Goodstuff
+1 Aurora, -1 Laya. Whale Creation
+3 Swarm, +3 Bio, +3 Expedition. -3 Volley, -3 Octopus, -3 Frogify.
With Expedition heavily nerfed the goodstuff version has lost a ton of its bite, and its no longer worth it at all for the whale version:
+3 Frogify, -3 Expedition.

Auroras Dream OTK Yak:
-3 Yak Attack, -3 Auroras Creation, -1 Plague Bearer, +3 Rain of Fish, +3 Dream Keeper, +1 Fugoro. Not having enough land to play enough creatures to win was an issue, so opting for Rain/Fugoros amulet solves that issue, and Keeper gives us a stall/consistency bump which is rather important due to the deck needing to find Fugoro to function.

Added RB Bargain Spice:

Added a Structure Discover Ramp Deck:

Added a more control oriented Yellow Flyer variant:

Added RG goodstuff:

Added RBY OTK Disciple:

Added Mecha Variants:
Mono Red
YR Fly

My Current Fav package: Krog Control, Treasure Aeromancy, BG Goodstuff, Bargain Spice.

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