Faeria Academy: Chapter 2 - Land Placement

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Faeria Academy: Chapter 2 - Land Placement

Faeria Academy is a series of articles to help new players get started with Faeria. Faeria combines the pace of modern digital card games with a living board, creating a dynamic and exciting element unique to the game. The goal of the Academy is to ease beginners into all aspects of Faeria, starting with the basics and eventually moving on to more advanced concepts. Each article will supply further resources for helping you on the subjects covered, such as other articles and videos.

Click here to see the contents page of the Academy. (Link to Academy)

Interacting with the game board

The game board is an important part of Faeria and one of the games unique aspects. Both players have to create the battlefield with land tiles that will allow them to play cards. Land is important for meeting the requirements of your deck but also defeating your opponent. The board isn’t just about placing land. There are four Faeria Wells on the map that players can access. Controlling these wells is important because they give you extra resources to spend on cards. Common deck strategies revolve around controlling an opponents Faeria well and starving him of Faeria.

Throughout this chapter we will take a look at all the details you need to know about the game board.

Placing land

In the last chapter we looked at the information on cards. Land requirement is key to summoning your coloured creatures but have importance in where they are positioned. Land creates the platform your creatures will be moving across. It can be a daunting thing at first but with this guide and a bit of practice you will place your lands with confidence. Let’s get started by looking at the three basic strategies for land placement; Rush, Mid-Range and Control.

Rush lands

Rush lands are used to get creatures to your opponents Orb as quickly as possible. This is achieved by pumping out prairies down the center of the board. This will usually take two sets of prairies before you start developing a coloured land.

Your opponents wells are great places to set up rush lands. This allows your creatures to apply pressure but also collect Faeria.

Mid-Range lands

Mid-Range lands focus on taking control of two wells on the side of the board. Most Mid-Range decks will follow their opponents land placement and fight for well control.

Once you have control of the wells and your opponent is starved of Faeria then aggressive lands can be created near your opponent. Movement cards like Syland Horsemaster are a great way to shift a harvesting creature into an attacker.

Control lands

Control lands are built from the side of your Orb, focusing on collecting from the two wells closest to you. This strategy helps you stall the game with defensive lands until you find your win condition.

Eventually you will need to push your land up to win the game. Going along the side of the wells is a good idea since you will collect Faeria as your creatures march up the board.

Other ways to build lands

Some decks adopt different land strategies based around specific cards. A good example is Yellow Control because of Windstorm Charger. The reason for this is the Charge mechanic, allowing these creatures to collect Faeria and move around the board easier.


Land placement is an important part of the game. Once you’ve built your deck decide on what land placement strategy you will be using. Apply that strategy to your game and see how it performs. Like any game it will take some practice before you are completely comfortable with land placement.

If you want to know more about land placement be sure to check out the video featured in this article. (Link Basic Land Video)

Having problems against rush? Then check out Defending Against Rush for Beginners and The Importance of Defensive Land.

Awesome guide, awesome video.

Thanks Aquablad !