Hi ! This is my opinion. Might be right, might be wrong, you’re the judge 
First of all, I notice you don’t have green faeries, and your attackers are mainly yellow, so it’s pretty weird that you have more than half in green, which is your support color. Second, you have no harvesters in yellow except for faeries, and your harvesters in green would be either the elemental or the oakling (or your buffs that wouldn’t be able to buff faeries, then). So if you don’t have your yellow faeries to harvest, then you’ll have a weird green start, followed by your faeries or drakes if things go well (but given your list, you’re mostly midrange, so you want to establish control of the board as soon as possible). Then, I’m not a big faeries player, but you seem pretty short on events and draw (12 events, 1 draw effect). Finally, you lack wincondition if your opponent can deal with your faeries and drake.
TL;DR : No green faeries, weird that your deck is more than half green. You lack harvesters overall, or use your tikis as such, dropping their buffs on themselves, which will delay your yellow play as well. Not many events to proc faeries, not much draw to get them. No solid wincondition.
Now what I would do : I don’t know which cards you have, so I’ll assume (wrongly) that you have Full Collection.
- Add Green Faeries to enable a good Green start, or add some yellow starters, like Winstorm Charger (good synergy with events as well)
- Add more Earthcrafts, Feed the Forest (events that enable some drawing, not as much as blue, but that’s not blue). Might be good adding one or two Khalim’s Prayers as well if you find your way to the orb easily (need to test it to know)
- Remove Gaea’s Grace (that card is pretty bad), maybe add Wisdom instead if you have some place for it (neutral, draw 2 cards for 3. Not a good card, but that’s an event, and drawing)
- Add Soul Eaters (the bicolor Green/Yellow creature), or some other wincondition (Winstorm Champions, Verduran Forces or other big threats)
About changing Wood Elementals to Wind Elementals : in your current deck, that’s a bad idea, 1/1 Tikis and Faeries are both already pretty vulnerable to Red AoE. Unless you want an autoloss to this color (maybe because you never face it), you should keep the green. If you take some of the changes I proposed, then it could go better.
That’s it for me. Have fun playing your deck
! (that’s the most important after all)