Welcome to the Faeria Forum!
This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of Faeria; including ideas, give game advice, community events, and generally have fun with other users. Community forums are at their best when players of all age ranges, backgrounds, and skill levels are able to chat knowing that they are in a safe and stimulating environment. With this in mind, we would like all users to be aware of the following rules and guidelines, which explain what behaviour is expected from you and all other members of the community.
Please note that the following guidelines are not exhaustive and Abrakam reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. Action taken may be more lenient, or severe, than those listed in each category.
General Conduct
We ask that all users of the forum act in a civilised and respectful manner to each other. Whilst this is, in part, a competitive game you have to ask yourself whether you want it to be friendly competition or one that is toxic. CCGs are naturally an environment of opinion and this generates heated debate; if you disagree with something on the forum then remember it’s the ‘How’ you do this, as well as the ‘What’ and ‘Why’.
As is normal for a forum, please do not perform the following:
- Post adverts relating to any non-beneficial, non-Abrakam related businesses, organizations, or websites
- Post in threads that apply to old Faeria patches.
- Post in threads with outdated news.
- Post in threads which haven’t seen activity in an extended period of time.
- Link to threads from other forums.
- Create threads/posts with the sole purpose of linking another post
- Create threads about existing topics.
- Create a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum.
- Excessive use of capitals or caps-lock.
Language and Mature Content
The diverse beliefs, interests, and backgrounds of a community necessitates posts to align with this exciting and interesting environment. The following forms of language, image, and external link type are not allowed on the forums and will result in a temporary ban, leading to a permanent ban if persistently infracted or of a sufficiently serious nature:
- Is pornographic in nature
- Is inappropriate to human anatomy or bodily functions
- Promote racial/ethnic hatred
- Are recognized as racial/ethnic slurs
- Allude to a symbol of racial/ethnic hatred
- Refer to extreme and/or violent sexual acts
- Refer to extremely violent real life actions
- Negatively portray major religions or religious figures
- Promote national hatred
- Are recognized as national slurs
- Allude to symbols of national hatred
Forum Interaction
Any form of bullying, harassment, spamming, or trolling is strictly forbidden on the Faeria forum and should be reported to the moderators as soon as possible. As such the following actions are not allowed on the forums and will result in a temporary ban, leading to a permanent ban if persistently infracted or of a sufficiently serious nature:
- References to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world.
- Releasing any real-life information about other players, moderators, or Abrakam employees.
- Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other players.
- Insultingly refer to other characters, players, moderators, Abrakam employees, or groups of people.
- Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Abrakam employees, or groups of people.
- Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish.
- Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums.
- Causing disturbances in the forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters.
- Making non-constructive posts.
- Insulting Abrakam employees or the moderators.
Illegal Activity
Any invitation to carry out, plan, or execute any activity which, in accordance with prevailing law, could be categorized as unlawful or illegal is strictly forbidden. As such the following actions are not allowed on the forums and will result in a temporary ban, leading to a permanent ban if persistently infracted or of a sufficiently serious nature:
- Passing yourself off as an Abrakam employee to post false information.
- Passing yourself off as a Forum Moderator (volunteer or otherwise).
- Reference to abusing illegal drugs.
- Reference to performing illegal activities.
- Reference to piracy/copy-written infringement.
- Posting links to cheats, hacks, or malicious viruses / programs.
- Buying or Selling accounts for Real Money.
If you would like to report information regarding cheats or hacks to Abrakam, email us here or on our bug reporting page.
Disciplinary Action / Moderation
The forum disciplinary structure is in place to ensure that the majority of users can feel that they are in a safe and stimulating environment. Action is only take if a moderator is confident that rule has been infringed, has evidence pertaining to the infringement, and in most cases, will have consulted other moderators to agree upon a course of action. As such the following actions are not allowed on the forums and will result in a temporary ban, leading to a permanent ban if persistently infracted or of a sufficiently serious nature:
*Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email and/or message correspondence between a player and any forum moderator, forum staff, admin staff, or Abrakam employee.
- Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums
- Posting on another account
- Having someone post on your behalf
If you would like to contact a moderator, report a moderator, or discuss a disciplinary action that has been taken against you, the please use the following forms of communication
DM a moderator
email support
report here
Please remember that, ultimately, Abrakam and the moderators of Faeria want the community to enjoy themselves both within the game and on the forum. The above rules are in place to ensure that environment is maintained, but it is up to you self moderate. Please consider that whilst certain types of conduct, language, images, etc. may not be offensive to you, it may be highly inflammatory or offensive to others. We are all here to enjoy Faeria and let’s keep that in mind above all.
Thank you for your time
The Faeria Team