Full Disenchant values from latest patch

For the following week, you will be able to disenchant the following cards for FULL crafting value:

  • All 4 Colossi
  • Magda
  • Baron thulgar
  • Spring Mochi
  • Azure Wisp
  • Wavecrafter
  • Barbarian Ogre
  • Shedim Pest
  • Firebringer
  • shaytan scavenger
  • Queen’s favourite
  • Gabrian Warden
  • Tale of the Old Turtle
  • Tiki Caretaker
  • Bold Bargainer
  • Windstorm Charger
  • Oradrim Sagittarius
  • Boulder Thrower


Good day!
I have seen that game suggests to disenchant some cards for an full cost.
I had cards for disenchant on 735 crystals(full cost with 2 Magdas and others cards), and after disenchant I have received 247 crystals.
Please, help, but i can’t provide proof of this situation, I did not do a screenshot before disenchant.
P.S.: Sorry for my English.

What about another changed cards like Oradrim Sagittarius or Boulder Thrower and much more?

Did you use the Disenchant All button?

We’ve discovered a problem with this recently, and will be fixing it in today’s patch.

These two did in fact have full disenchant value, but missed the list here. I have now added them, thanks!

In general, only cards that have been nerfed or changed heavily in design are eligible for this type of disenchant refund. A card that increases in power level will not.

Yes, i use Disenchant all.

It’s only 6th day now and i can’t disenchant for FULL crafting value.

Why Axe Grinder is missing in the list above? It was changed dramaticaly. Is it possible to add it to the list and give us possibility to disenchant it for full value?

In general, only cards which have been strictly nerfed or changed in design in such a way where it might not be a better card receive full refunds. Axe Grinder’s new design has been judged to be incredibly more powerful than the previous version.

Don’t you think it would be much better and user-friendly to give players possibility to disenchant ALL changed cards? You so much copycating HS in it’s BAD aspects lately maybe it’s time to take its good aspect?

We have had a large, large amount of changes during Early Access, and will continue to have many more as we fine tune balance.

The idea behind the full crafting refunds is to compensate those players who have are stuck with cards they potentially cannot use anymore or have cards that otherwise do not fit into previous decks. Cards that are strictly buffed in power level do not fall in this category, as it only leads to players disenchanting all their extra cards to take advantage of the change rather than construct another card to help them along and fill the void left behind.

I know being able to get a bunch of free memoria from time to time feels nice, but the idea here is to provide fair compensation to players, rather than dump a bunch of memoria around :slight_smile: