Good morning guys!
I just got home from Dreamhack and I want to share some pictures with you!
On my drive home I was thinking a lot about today’s event and the many memories it brought back, thought I would share that too.
So, I have been going to Dreamhacks for over a decade. My very first one was back in 2004. It was a lot of work back t hen to go to Dreamhack (check out the monitors…)
That was the first and last time in my life that I went for the 96h-nosleep. If you go to Dreamhack - sleep a bit! You will have more fun, I promise!
After that Dreamhack I went every summer and every winter for a few years - I’ve met tons of friends who I still have contact with today. For the last five years or so I don’t even bring my PC anymore when I go to Dreamhack, just go there to meet people and watch E-Sports!
I’ve been quite lucky also at Dreamhacks E-Sports events, I’ve won prizes (from Blizzard!) for “best fan” when I showed up to with this sign to cheer for MC:
Although, this is probably the sign I am most proud of
Unless you count the paintings I had made
I am a very outgoing/outspoken person when I attend these events, I ask for stuff if I want them (lol ask the poor Faeria devs, I have asked them all kinds of unreasonable things!) and sometimes it works out! I have been hanging out in the Pro-player lounge multiple times, talking to the best Starcraft players in the world and gotten their signatures/pictures
The (former) CEO and other crew of Dreamhack even recognizes me by now and stops to say hi when we walk by eachother. That might be because I won a VIP-ticket to Dreamhack Valenzia where I had dinner with him and some pro’s after the tournament #Nerd-bragging
After events I often go up to the players, casters and organizers to talk to them and thank them.
(This ^ one is from World Cyber Games but I’ve talked to Tasteless a couple of times at Dreamhack too, just dont have a picture)
Apart from Dreamhack and WCG I’ve also been going to TakeTV’s HomestoryCup (shoutout to P4wny, our first invited player woooho! GO TAKETV!) and there I have also met friends that I still talk and play with today (one has joined us in Faeria!).
Alright I am absolutely going offtopic here. But maybe by now you can tell how much of a nerd I am and how incredibly much I love E-sports and Dreamhack. So even though I had no plans to go the Dreamhack Summer this year (no Starcraft), I did not hesitate for a second to go there after I saw that Faeria and Scream112 would be there! We had so much fun! Unfortunately I was only able to be there for one day. 8 hours driving + 7 hours of doing commercial for Faeria = tired J0k3se. Met so many great new people who are now new Faeria players!
Alright, here are a few pictures of some of the people I helped get into Faeria tonight (plus some random DH pics)!
^ And ofcourse I had to invite Scream112 to a famous Dreamhack-kebabrulle
^ While walking around I bugged two girls in the middle of their meal, asked if they could please take a picture of us. They did! After that I told them where we were headed and asked them to come over and check out Faeria. Fun fact: They were the two people who spent most time of all visitors at the Faeria booth today
MFW we drop Ruunin in their face (we were playing against her friend and Scream)
^ Father was a SC/Diablo nerd so we clicked instantly <3
^ This guy played half a game vs AI, then made a monored aggro deck and named it “FACE”. Proceeded to play vs a lvl30 player online and aaaalmost won (1hp left, one turn off lethal).
Alright, thats it for me! Hope you enjoyed I will try my best to attend more Faeria events in the future!