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Mythic cards are normal cards with an alternative look.

Right click a card in the crafting menu to get a better look at its art.

Mythic cards have higher crafting values than normal cards.

You can store up to 3 daily quests.


If there’s no reason to summon a creature, it’s better to save your faeria.

Drawing cards at the beginning of your turn gives you the most options.

Only the original copy of Twinsoul Spirit summons an additional creature.

Baron Thulgar is best used in decks with a high faeria average.

Steamforge Enforcers are weak to Punishment.

Dealing damage to yourself activates Weeping Idol.

Move Bone Collectors next to creatures that are about to die.

The Ruby Fish from Gabrian Noble can be summoned on any ocean tile.

Placing a taunt creature in front of your orb makes it the hardest for haste creatures to attack your orb.

The lower a creature’s health, the more likely it is to die to removal.

Oradrim Fanatic can move himself.

You can step on an opponent’s land with a haste or a dash creature, then create a land next to it.

The free Khalim’s Followers from Khalim can be used to collect extra faeria.

If your deck has few cards left, avoiding card draw delays fatigue damage.

Think ahead while creating lands.

Failed Experiment can be used to activate gift and last words effects at a smaller faeria cost.

Spellwhirl can give you Spellwhirls.

Farm Boy is an efficient faeria gatherer.

Daring Adventurer is strong against decks that play many small creatures.

Ruunin’s Shrine is useful for protecting your creatures against deathtouch.


Basic : Slam creature only take damage from the minion it attacks

Basic : haste creature can harvest faeria the turn it’s played

will be back with some more

When a creature with “slam” hits your orb, it also hits all your creatures next to your orb.

Before playing a wind soldier, always think to see if you can collect with it.

To improve in pandora mode, you should know what are the different treasures to anticipate their effect.

In Pandora mode, you should’nt fight too hard to collect when 4 shards have already be found: because when the fifth shard will be found, Pandora will awake and wells won’t produce faeria anymore.

You can reroll the card of highest rarity in each pack you open if you already have it and if you don’t find it useful.

Humour: you should always surrender when your enemy has the dragon orb, because he is probably the mother of yaks.


Unranked is a great way to test out fun decks without losing anything!

(Or something like that. I feel like this is necessary to try and keep try-hard decks out of the unranked format.)


Abilities with the gift keyword will activate once when the creature is summoned.

Structures can’t be activated on the turn they were summoned.

Structures can’t collect faeria.

Lands can be created under flying creatures.

Only lakes can be created under aquatic creatures.

There is no level cap.


Land movement allows Luduan to easily move next to your opponent’s well.

Summon Blood Singers before killing your opponent’s creatures.

Play events to keep your Aurora’s Disciples safe from burn.

If your opponent’s hand is full, making them draw cards destroys their cards.

Giving Sharra taunt allows her to lock high attack creatures in place.

Apex Predators can be chained to make bigger Apexes.

Gabrian Enchantment allows you to turn some faeria collectors into a serious threat.

Tarum’s last words also fill all prairies with forests.

You can damage your Possessed Ursus yourself to increase its attack.

Healing slows down burn decks.

Protect Faeria Trees with taunt creatures.

Earthcraft speeds up multicolor decks.

Prophet of Tides can move the land it was summoned on.

Summoning Spring Mochis before Lore Thieves may get you discounted cards faster.

Creatures controlled with Aurora’s Trick collect faeria on the same turn.

Tale of the Old Turtle works better the more creatures there are in your deck.

Mirror Phantasm can be used on your opponent’s creatures to make them less threatening.

Wavecrafter works to your advantage if you can utilize all your faeria, but your opponent has to waste it.

Double Firestorm kills most creatures.

Devouring Plants make it hard for your opponent to summon creatures next to them.

Shooting at the opponent’s orb with an Oradrim Sagittarius is an easy way to buff Zealous Crusaders.

Falcon Dive is an efficient way to finish off creatures.

Creating lands is often more important than drawing cards.

Syland Horsemaster allows green and red decks to make surprise attacks.

Wait until your opponent draws three cards to get different cards from Three Wishes.

Choking Sand is the most efficient way to kill Khalim.

Primeval Colossus is a strong finisher for wish decks.

Outcast Tower prevents your opponent from collecting faeria.

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right click on your orb to send emotes, but don’t abuse them.
right click on opponent orb to display the option to mute his emotes.

Awesome stuff so far, guys. Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

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"They tried to evolve all four dragons into Krog… but turns out being a failed experiment’ :pensive:

Krog 2OP for the devs lol

khalim’s followers have a hard time without windborne

ruunin really want those treats

Trivia: BL stands for “blue without UE”


The opposing player’s orb counts as a target for the slam ability.


You can hit an orb with haste creatures more times by moving your creatures out of the way with Flash Wind.

Avoid collateral damage from slam creatures by not leaving weak creatures next to strong ones.

Damaging yourself lowers the cost of Radiance.

Summon Radiance before healing yourself.

Adding healing to your deck makes it safer to use self damaging cards.

God Hunter can’t attack if there’s a taunt creature in front of the orb.

Radiance’s faeria cost cannot be reduced by discount effects.

Annoying Gnats allow your opponent to repeatedly damage your orb.

Choosing +1 from the power wheel allows you to gain faeria after playing Doomsday.

Place Ruunin’s Shrines on a land that’s hard to reach for your opponent.

Ruunin’s Avenger’s health can be buffed with self damage.

Only play Soul Pact after you’ve done everything else on that turn.

If a creature was discounted, Orosei’s gift uses the discounted cost.

Stormspawn can be transformed into another creature to prevent faeria gain from its last words.

Transform your prairies into lakes with Baeru to hit lake requirements faster.

Be careful that Baeru doesn’t transform your colored lands into unnecessary lakes.

Unlikely Hero’s ability is the easiest to activate by hitting the opponent’s orb.

Cards with one land requirement can easily be splashed into decks.