Mythical Cards Crafting-Multiplier

Hi guys,

is there any Justification, concerning the “Crafting cost”/“Disenchant reward” Multiplier for Common Mythic Cards in comparison to the Rare, Epic, and Legendary Cards ?

Common: 5 --> 50 Memoria = 10
Rare: 20 --> 100 Memoria = 5
Epic: 80 --> 400 Memoria = 5
Legendary: 320 --> 1600 Memoria = 5

And the Disenchant values are

Common: 50 --> 10 Memoria = 20 %
Rare: 100 --> 25 Memoria = 25 %
Epic: 400 --> 100 Memoria = 25 %
Legendary: 1600 --> 400 Memoria = 25 %

Let’s make a gedankenexperiment:

You had a funny deckidea … with only common cards… spent 1500 Memoria for getting the mythic versions of all of them. In a world where everything is “fair”… ( … and where you can travel on pink fluffy unicorns … ) you
would have a net loss of 750 faeria.

Later on…
You drafted the uber Pandora deck and went on a winning streak of 1 Bazillion : 0.
You click on the “your Reward” button including a pile of gold exceeding the Burj Khalifa …
(we skip on the part of buying almost infinite amounts of booster packs… disenchant all the cards for getting an almost infinite amount of Memoria…)
… as well as a Mythical Card. It is one of the above mentioned common cards, you already crafted.
So in general you got punished twice. You paid disproportionately more to craft it and you get 5 % less “Disenchant-Memoria” in comparison to all the other rarities.

To make a long story short…
I would appreciate to adapt the Multipliers for common cards to the other ones.

Kind regards

p.s. : I can sleep peacefully with 5 --> 25 --> 6 … at least it would be mathematically correct to round down from 6.25 to 6.
As I consider you have done it with the “normal” common cards with values of 1 --> 5 --> 1.25 (correctly rounded down to 1) :wink: