New player questions

Does Golden fountain give 400 gold a day if you do not go into the game?
Will be it 12 000 gold after a month of absence?

Yes, you get the gold whether you log in or not.

Are there successful ā€œgo faceā€ decks in Faera?
I saw ultra fast Cappuccino Yellow Rush . But even with such a deck he plays in control style.

How works the mechanics of constructing lands near a flying creature? I noticed that it is not always possible to build a land near flyer.

He isnā€™t really playing it control style, thatā€™s just the best way to play aggro decks in Faeria.

Even rush decks want to sometimes kill their opponentā€™s faeria harvesters instead of attacking the face. Denying your opponent faeria collection is very strong, because your opponent canā€™t defend as well if he has less resources.

In addition to that yellow rush deck, thereā€™s also green and red rush decks. Hereā€™s one of each:

If the flying creature is on top of a land, you can build a land next to that land. You canā€™t build lands on an ocean tile even if thereā€™s a flier creature on it. You can also build a land underneath a flying creature, as long as you have another land next to it.


Hi. Are there successful OTK and mill decks in Faera?

Thereā€™s a few successful OTK decks, usually based around Possessed Ursa, Snowstorm Lancer, or Auroraā€™s Disciple. Mill decks not so much, as there just arenā€™t many pieces for one.

Can someone post link to OTK and mill decks?

Here is an OTK deck I used to climb to godrank with :slight_smile:

I timestamped the link at one of the most fun turns :smiley:

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Amazing. In fact Itā€™s more ā€œgo faceā€ deck then yellow rush :slight_smile: Iā€™m surprised that Faeria allows to use such non-standard decks.
Is deck still working after Sagami nerf?

Yeah the change to huntmaster actually makes it stronger according to most people! You dont need to play Huntmaster close to the enemy anymore.

The nerf to Forbidden Library probably hurts much more! It will be harder to get it out early. Instead of library you could use extra famines or Lore thief maybe.

Hello, Somebody stream regularly Pandora runs?
Where I can find a list of popular Faeria alive streams?