Pandora Helpersheet: Personal stat-tracking for your Pandora runs that calculates investment/return


What is this?

The Pandora Helpersheet is a Google Spreadsheet that allows you to track the viability of your Pandora runs. You enter if you are using a free Pandora coin or one that was bought with gold, the decktype you drafted and how much gold you get after every game, and it calculates a whole bunch of information for you.

  • Wondering how close you are to running Pandora indefinitely?
  • Want a percentage that shows you how much more lucrative running Pandora is for you personally than buying Battle Chests with gold directly would be?
  • Want to evaluate which decktype does the best in Pandora with your personal skill?
  • Want to know your average Pandora Point payout per run?

You can do all that and more with this spreadsheet, in an easy to use fashion.

Where do I get it?

Pandora Helpersheet (v.1.0)

How do I use it?

There’s a neon-orange field at the top of the spreadsheet saying “Tutorial? Mouseover this text”. Mouseover that text! :wink:

Can you add feature X?

Yes, probably. You are free to leave suggestions in here. There’s some really obvious stuff that I want to add over the next couple of days. (For example what your average amount of games is that you need to win to break even. Or how long your next run needs to be in order for you to turn your raw gold profit into the positive (or for it to stay in the positive if it already is).)
The reason things like that aren’t in there yet is that I want to get this into people’s hands so they can use it and possibly tell me about bugs or issues, especially considering that things like that rely heavily on the calculated values, so I want to make sure those are correct. :slight_smile:
Also note that there’s no reason for you to wait for a new iteration with more features before you start using it, because copying over your data into a more elaborate chart doesn’t even take 20 seconds.


Cool speadsheet!

Here are a few ideas, suggestions, and nitpicks:

  • Effective Profit is probably more useful than profit and revenue in the right hand columns
  • Your Gold “G” formatting stops on row 20, lower rows don’t have the “G” formatting
  • Use data validation dropdowns on the decktype imputs (ColC, using Validation Range J2:O2) to avoid input errors
  • Your 3 reward formulas (Gold/Chest/Points) could be a lot simpler. Gold for example: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(B13:B),"",CHOOSE(D13:D+1,700,800,900,300,600,900,1400,1900,2600,2900)))
  • Profit and Credit calculations should also rely on the Wins Col (D) instead of recounting
  • Total Runs should COUNTA( ColB ) instead of ColC (since it’s required for most of the other calculations and C is not)
  • “View:Freeze: up to Row 12” so you dont lose the headers as you scroll down.
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Nice! I am more interested in win-loss record rather than profit though. Minimum reward for pandora is 1 battle chest + 700 gold, and you get gold from daily quest just for playing so it’s always going to be profitable.

Any space for practice pandora?

Yeah, I wanna get practice runs in there and filter them out for the profit stats. Also I’m probably going to shift some stuff around so it’s 11 main columns instead of 9 and you mark losses with an ‘x’ or something similar in there so I can do nifty stuff with that (like tell you the winrate per round etc.)

A few more thoughts:

  • Instead of break-downs and stats for deck based on aggression type I would be more interested in breakdowns by color. Which colors do I pick/play the best?
  • Trendlines / scatterplots to see if I’m improving
  • Comparing my winrates of particular color combos; knowing I do better with RB over RG might effect how I draft future runs
  • If the win chests are completely random the Min/Max/Average/Sum stats would be more useful as a lump sum rather than per column

P.S. I also amended my previous formula suggestion for Gold 
 I missed the “+1” in the CHOOSE() the first time.

[quote=“Eggr, post:5, topic:4445, full:true”]
A few more thoughts:

  • Instead of break-downs and stats for deck based on aggression type I would be more interested in breakdowns by color. Which colors do I pick/play the best?
  • Comparing my winrates of particular color combos; knowing I do better with RB over RG might effect how I draft future runs[/quote]
    You can already kinda do this by changing the deck types at the top and/or adding new ones (which should be a pretty simple copy/paste job, as in the gif).
    The reason why I didn’t include something like that from the get-go is that I think thinking in per-color performance isn’t something that helps players (especially new players) improving, because it’s a very limiting mentality or mindset.
    However, I want to eventually add better support for this with a formula that takes apart something like “red/green control” so people can pull individual stats from that for red, green and control or red/green or green/control or any combination of those (or any other keywords for that matter, including usermade ones).
    But for something like that, in the end I should probably put the stat-stuff that currently is above the main-part (the per-run part) into a separate sheet for the sake of clear arrangement, otherwise it gets cluttered really fast. :wink:
    However I need to read up on that, haven’t done spreadsheet stuff in a long time apart from this one, as you already noticed. ^^

It’s actually a pretty slick spreadsheet already. I was mostly speculating on what sort of direction and features you might persue if/when you wanted to embelish it.

In fact, the open ended array “B13:B” is something I had never seen before and is fairly interesting, I always copy my non-array forumlas all the way down the page. At least in part because I spend significantly more time in Excel instead of google docs and it doesn’t seem to quite translate into Excel, but I might try to use that in the future. I also like the animated tutorial 
 is that a embed .gif?

It would be so awesome to have the data available for everyone. It would be interesting to see if you could see if one playstyle is more successful or one color or a combination is more prevalent than the others. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“Eggr, post:2, topic:4445, full:true”]

  • Your 3 reward formulas (Gold/Chest/Points) could be a lot simpler. Gold for example: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(B13:B),"",CHOOSE(D13:D+1,700,800,900,300,600,900,1400,1900,2600,2900)))
    [/quote]By the way, this doesn’t work as you’d expect it to because CHOOSE doesn’t work with Arrayformula in a logical way. :wink: