[Suggestion] Double column deck lists in Pandora

After completing a full Pandora run, some of us like to take screenshots as documentation of the deck list and the win (for sharing and analyzing). Currently this requires two screenshots and some cut and paste to get the full deck list in one image. Could a double column display of the deck list be made the default for the end-of-pandora-run screen? Eg:

It’s not that it’s that big of a deal to do it manually, but occasionally people forget to take two screenshots and you’re left with half a decklist, which is of little value to anyone. A little “official” help would be much appreciated.


Actually not a bad idea. Would be easier for sharing at least.
I wish they would remove the double columns in the hub tho :smiley:

That’s a lot of Pandora points :smile: @Engangsgrill

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