Was the chance of dropping epic cards in boosters reduced?

My stat before the announcement of a change drop chance of the legendary cards:
80 boosters
25 Epic
3 Legendary
Stat after the announcement of a change drop chance of the legendary cards:
100 boosters
109 Rare
16 Epic
5 Legendary
It seems the drop chance of the epic cards is halved ? And the drop chance of the legendary cards is doubled.
If so the chance to collect epic cards became disgusting. But epic cards are more important than the legendary! What’s happening? I’m desperate :unamused:


19 Epics out of last 87 :battlechest: for me, about 22%, compared to your 15%.

But I got only 1 Epic out of last 16 :battlechest::confused:

I opened 84 a couple weeks ago. I have a video of it but I’ve yet to record the stats. I’ll post them when I finally get the time to count.

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I have the same picture after the announcement of a change drop chance.

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Current stat:
100 boosters
109 Rare
16 Epic
5 Legendary