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Nope. Krog loves and cares for all beings but his ogre’s nature prevents him from becoming a vegetarian. He would love to stop hurting and killing the poor yaks but they have such a good taste, especially if you add their fluffy fur on their tender flesh once it has been cooked.

Just for the anecdote, he made inquiries on the vegetarian diet when he wanted to become one, and oh! he learned that vegetarians actually don’t even eat fish!

But he didn’t really care because he doesn’t like the taste of fish, especially the poisonous Ruby Fish. It would kill him for sure and the last thing Krog wants is to die poisoned by a such a ridiculously small fish.

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Is there a way to buy more than one boster with golg at once? I need to clik 3 times now to buy only one. It’s frustraring. And I want to buy boosters where I open them, not in the shop (like with Pandora coins). Is it possible?
I agree both would improve the usability.

The initial thought was to make any purchase a more impactful moment but we’ve seen that it is too painful when you collected a massive amount of gold and make the choice to invest it into boosters.
We are also working internally on making massive improvements to our UI to make navigating through pages much smoother, so you can actually expect some big change in this area later this year."


Yes there is! This creature is called Orobouros. It’s the most ancient, famous and dangerous living creature of the World and the very first creation of the gods.
At first, he was alone in a giant sea and nothing existed except him. He was so bored he fell asleep and his slumber last for a very, very long time. When he woke up, the gods had shaped the world with continents and many other creatures were born.
Orobouros was furious to see that the peace of his world had been disrupted and he went completely mad. He tried to destroy the world and to devour everything but the gods managed to imprison him by making him bite his own tail.
He encircled the world who had no limits before and from that moment on, time appeared along with mortality and decay.

Orobouros is therefore the symbol of time and death, but also the symbol of light and life as the sun is the opened eye of the Serpent and the seasons are created by his circular movement around the world.


It was made to increase the diversity of tier 1 rush decks available. This increases variety for players and, you’re right, gives us more flexibility with balancing. When one deck makes up nearly all of rush that makes it hard to balance cards in the deck without drastically affecting the meta.

We were actually just talking about this last week. We need to find the right balance between a good ranked ladder meta, a good tournament meta and a good god league meta (where winning percentage matters a lot more). Since constructed Faeria is designed for the highest levels of competition, most of our focus is on balancing for the highest level.

To counterbalance rush’s prevalence on the ranked ladder we’ve kept in generous win streaks to reward more consisten win percentages and built the league system to allow players a chance to experiment regularly. Also, the more predictable a meta is the more a good deckbuilder can build something that destroys it. Either way, it’s something we’re keeping a close eye on.

[quote=“kizu, post:9, topic:471, full:true”]
6. Do you plan on adding a Scrolls-like spectate feature (when you could just go and spectate any of the on-going games, with a proper delay of course).[/quote]

We’ve talked a lot about this feature, and it would definitely make for a great tournament viewing experience (no dead time waiting for games to end). But, like all features, it’s a matter of which features we explore first. There’s are a ton of improvements we’re making to the game all the time. There’s also the productivity fear, because we already get super distracted by watching our community streamers during work. Endless active games for spectating at our fingertips? The world may not be ready. :wink:

It’s definitely something we talk about a lot. Especially in recent weeks. This feature would make it so much easier to share videos of your games and would be a great tool for competitive players to study. It’s something we’re definitely interested in.


You can actually find some wallpapers in our media page: - but currently we don’t have Android versions or interactive ones. We’ll look into how to make an animated wallpaper with Tarum and Orobouros! (the Snake surrounding the world).

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Faeria already has rich, deep and extraordinary lore that has been developed over years. It’s the kind of place I want to run an RPG campaign in. We’re looking forward to sharing more details about Faeria’s lore in the future. There might already be some hints about major world aspects hidden in the art. :wink:

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Favorite Faeria Streamer: Reuben Covington. He’s also a friend of mine though. :slight_smile:

Proudest Faeria Moment: When the team greeted me at the airport after flying me into Belgium to work on the game.

Favorite Card: Flash Wind. It interacts with the board and synergizes with high mobility creature abilities in a very cool, very faeria way. Love it.

Team Member Most Likely to Win a Faeria Tournament: Oli. He’s the boss and we know it!

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**3 What is the logic behind designing cards that can grow to be so large trading in minions will never be a suitable response such as Zealous Crusader, Apex Predator and Firebringer. In terms of playing against these minions it is thoroughly unenjoyable because it often renders your actions up to the point that the minion was played entirely useless. **
Moreover from a viewing perspective, it is not much fun to watch. One player taking control of the board then throwing down a 12/12 to close the game out is pretty dull whereas a game where these creatures don’t exist giving the player behind a chance to get back on the board and in the game generates a lot more excitement, particularly when matchups are extremely back and forth.
I would really like some designer insight on this issue.

This is a good question - I understand how it can feel but it depends how you plan to react to it - for example when you play against green or red, you want to invest all power into 1 or 2 creatures rather than spread it, because they naturally have less answers, but they can of course play taunts for some tempo. In the end of the game, I like how these huge creatures can bring a huge tension, making the game very tactical - and they add a very interesting element to the way players can build their deck.
But you’re bringing a good point - our current intent for the next cards and updates is to create more variety in the end game, so we are indeed not satisfied with how various different archetypes do feel the same gameplay-wise. So this is definetely something we’re keeping an eye on.

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We are currently working on new cosmetics such as orb designs and avatars but not only :slight_smile: We’re really excited to reveal some visuals, you can expect to discover some of them in the near future!

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Who is your favorite Faeria streamer?

J0ke-s or something

What is your proudest Faeria moment?

The kickstarter, it was so magical!

Which card is your favorite, and why?

Triton Banquet, loving the atmosphere in it and won me so many runs :stuck_out_tongue:

Who in the team would have the best chance of winning a Faeria tournament?

Jiem. He would totally hack his draws if he gets to the finals =P

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What are the chances that in one of the expansions there’d be a new color? Or the four colors we have are set in stone and would never expand?

The only possible colors would be Pink or Rainbow (or both together), for the land of candies where pink yaks kiss cinnamon stars.
For the story - we almost included the ‘Chaos’ color to the game at the Early Access release. So yes, there are some options and we would never say never, but we think there is still a ton to explore within the 5 first colors!"

  • Who is your favorite Faeria streamer?

I wouldn’t dare naming J0k3se here, so I’ll name Lantariel.

  • What is your proudest Faeria moment?

Dealing 18 damages in a turn, without hitting the orb. Playing Red feels so rewarding.

  • Which card is your favorite, and why?

Devouring Plant. It saved me so many times that I can’t count them anymore.

  • Who in the team would have the best chance of winning a Faeria tournament?

My money’s on Atmaz !

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I usually don’t care much about cosmetic stuff…but…could we please buy the Aurora Avatar?? :slight_smile:Please take my money. Pretty please…

At this time, Aurora refused to be sold at any price but we are still trying to convince that the community wants her :slight_smile:
But we can reassure you, there are positive big changes coming to Faeria in terms of what can be bought and we will be introducing it this Summer to our lovely community.

Oh, this one terrible thing…emotes(aka. winter)… I know they are coming. Will it be possible to turn them off? I dislike them so much, i think i would just quit if not. That is what one would call emotional scars i guess. :wink:

We are hoping our implementation of emotes will encourage interaction while remaining subtle. We can’t promise the ability to turn off emotes today, but will continue to listen to community feedback on this topic :thumbsup:

And what about the lore. Will it be, or rather, is it a …History of the World in a ‘Silmarillion’ kind of way? Or is the plan to give out “pillars” like the Text of the Tarum Avatar(First seed…I like that). Which would open “the Faeria theme” up to writers, even more so, than a silmarillion/first book situation would. Then they could create…well, pretty much the World.

As some of our players know, there is a vast History of Faeria and all its tribes, cities, legends - but in its current form it is more presented like an encyclopedia. When we can, we release some bits of it in our Faeria Fridays or for some event. We’d like it to be part of the players’ experience to give a sense of exploration: we play as gods, but not the omniscient gods - because the world of Faeria was created ages ago by the Ancient Gods of the Elements, who are now in the Serpent’s belly.

So, how may the gods discover the complete history of the world? Actually few really know it all, and tales may be different if you ask to an old Kappa or to the Queen of Gabria, or if you have the chance to witness the animated paintings in the ruins of Thyria…

  • TorNis <3
  • I don’t have one moment but I’m proud everyday, when I arrive at the office and see the beautiful team we built around the project we love. Regarding the game itself, it was when I finished a game where my oppononent had two life left, I UE my Orosei to finish him with Krog.
  • Yak Attack for the art and Frogify because I love frogs!
  • Why, me, of course!
  • You’re very welcome to visit us and we’d be happy to share our beers! <3

Hey Cappu :wink:

We are not entirely happy with Pandora yet, overall, and we’re still decided to make more revisions. For instance we already consider toning down some aspects and adding more artifacts for variety. We’re open to rework the system even more, but we don’t feel as if we’ve heard enough feedback about Pandora from a wider variety of player types. Yes, that may sound strange as there is plenty of feedback available from current or veteran players, but we’d really like to collect more feedback from a newer population of players, for example, and have a better idea of what first impressions from an outside source looks like.

While a lot of players criticize the artifacts, we’re also hearing positive voices who range from hardcore to casual players. And Pandora is certainly a place where skill is well rewarded, the best constructed players are super well represented in Pandora high ranks, as an example.

All I can say for now is that we won’t stop watching the reactions and analyzing all the data concerning Pandora, we’re definetly not sold on anything yet.


Currently no, there’s no plan to change that. But the team is keeping an eye on the ranked mode queue; for instance we are preparing the introduction of a Seasonal-ELO, which will let us differentiate the true skill ELO from the seasonal one. One is used to match you, the other is used to rank you. Stay tuned for more information :wink:

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Grim Guard. Because Grim Guard.

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My part for the “everybody” questions :grin:

P4wny!! Love the way he explains everything he does.

The first bug I fixed on my first day at Abrakam :rubyfish: It was the bug preventing you to craft a card if you had exactly the amount of dust required :muscle:

Hunted Outlaw :heart_eyes: This guy is so gorgeous! All my thanks go to our fantastic artists for having brought him to life!

Well, I played only against Oli and Quentin. Quentin was, let’s say, a novice, but Oli owned me almost every time, even with random decks… So I’ll go with him!


But at the same time the current mulligan system adds something when it comes to building decks which I love. That you cant be too greedy when you construct your deck! :slight_smile: