Clutch win in pandora after an extremely close game with opponent and I taking turns pushing aggression / defending.
Drew my elementals very early to set up my special lands, so I started using wheel for draws by turn 4. I went a little too far eventually, taking 1 damage from fatigue immediately before screenshot.
Opponent also had an unlucky crackthorn the turn before - he needed 2 ticks in total to either go face or buff his sagami for lethal, and ended up getting 1.
Earlier in the game, I used Hammer and he used Iona’s Mirror to get two copies. That’s fine. But he drew the Hammer again here and probably because of Iona’s Mirror, he got two again! Is it supposed to work like that?
I thought it was only for the first time. Instant game over for me.
I wish it doesn’t work like that. I guess I was going to lose anyway, only had 2 cards left compared to his 8.
Another long and tense game. I was lost here but drew the Hammer and escaped with a lucky win. I can understand why people say Pandora is determined by luck/treasure now. It seems the longer the game goes, the more likely it is to be determined by treasure and luck of the draw.
On the same turn, from this,
to this. So scary, didn’t occur to me that I was in danger at all. Lucky to survive.
I have just lost a 7-3 pandora run because I forgot about Boulder Thrower’s slam ability. I could have taken it out and should have won. But I won another game earlier with 3 hammers in a row on the same turn (2 from Iona’s mirror).
Survived by the skin of my teeth! This is right after opponent’s Hellfire.
Amazing luck. Managed to pull Tethra from Ruuin’s Presence. Opponent put up extremely strong defence to get rid of both Tethra (12/12) and buffed Sagami Warrior (9/9) later. Lucky I had the hammer.
I tried to build a troll Flying Baeru deck in an attempt to turn all enemy land into lakes so their cards become unplayable.
Unfortunately, there are just too many 1 and 2 land cost cards. Opponent can always plomp a forest and a creature, and because without Imperial Engineer, forest is only transformed into lake next turn, opponent can make another forest next turn and play 2 land cost creatures.
There are only 3 Imperial Engineers with one-time gift effect. I can use Aurora’s Creations to create more Engineers and Baeru but it’s just too expensive and limited. Included 3 x Sunken Tower, Shifting Tides and Prophet of Tides to maximize the number of special land being transformed, but once the board becomes populated with land, there is not much space to use them.
Failure 2 turns later. I only have 1 Imperial Engineer.
Terrible start - Started with Steamforge + 2 Tiki Healers replacing bad cards, and opponent went aggressive and landblocked me since I was desperately drawing cards. But I kept rolling bad - crackthorns & meteors when I’m landstarved. Yet I won this from here.
After he blocked all land within 3 tiles from me, with only 2 mountain 2 forest, I used a 5/10 Wild Avenger to dash up the middle and got 2 prairies either side. He dropped an ogre battler next to my avenger so I ate my avenger with Feed the Forest so that I could steal his ogre with Magda’s rose. Soon after, I managed to get the Crackthorn Beasts out and clawed my way back.
I need to take more screenshots. Man I wish Faeria had replays.
This was 1st pandora run win, 9/1. My 2nd best was like 5/3 so I have no idea what went right today. All up, I think I wanted to surrender on 4 games this run that I went on to win.
Is there any way to not lose here? I couldn’t find it, drew and got Verduran Force.
The turn before, my opponent used the Fanatic to move his 11/1 back 1 tile. Would it have been a draw if I buff his attack and hit it with my Battle Rager?
Edit: Prion on Discord pointed out using Yakhorn to clear attackers near my orb and moving back battle rager, but 11/1 has charge 3 with Secret of Strength, so not going to work.
Looks like it’s lost anyway, one minute was not enough.
I don’t play a lot of pandora. What is that 11/1 doing to prevent you to clear all 4 creatures around your orb and putting the yack killing the follower between you and the 11/1 ?
I’m missing something ^^
That is Equinox Automation with Last Word of Dealing 6 damage to my orb. So if it dies, I lose. In the previous turn, I hoped to buff it and hit my Battle Rager into it so it could potentially be a tie, but that didn’t work out.
Got it. Yeah you were super dead !
One of, if not the most satisfying and unexpected finish since I started playing Blue-Yellow pew pew, possibly since I started playing Faeria.
But I did not see the lethal until I have played all my events, it was not planned.
I won the turn right after the turn pictured here, using only the cards you see, if I remember correctly. Can you spot the lethal? My opponent did not summoned anything after this turn.